I don't remember where I read it but someone pointed out that..."You mean to tell me that an administration that is widely regarded as incapable of tying its own shoes has somehow magically gotten its act together and pulled off the greatest conspiracy and cover up of all time?". You can't have it both ways. Think of Napalitano and the current ATF scandal or Reagan and Iran-Contra. They just aren't that good at that kind of stuff.Kythas wrote:ScottDLS wrote:And Bush (43) strategically placed charges around the Twin Towers, then had the CIA take control of the auto-pilot on two airlines and crash them into the buildings. This of course so Halliburton could get control of the Iraqi oil and to prevent the real story of his father's involvement in the Kennedy assassination from coming to light. Excuse me while I don my tin foil hat, the black UN helicopters are coming for me now that I have verified these truths.
Scott, you're buying into the whole notion that planes crashed into the Towers at all. Everyone knows those were actually holograms generated by satellites, and the few plane parts that were found were planted at the same time the explosives were placed.
And, yes, some people actually believe this.
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- Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:58 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: POTUS pre-warned and we didn't listen... 2012 ???
- Replies: 28
- Views: 3168