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by Bullwhip
Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:52 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.
Replies: 17
Views: 19751

Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.

Dewhurts has been sending me email spam for years, I don't' think I ever wrote him about anything but I still get his campaign stuff 1-2 x a week.

That makes me not like him right off the bat.

What he did or din't do for Texas CHLs in Texas is no reason to vote for or against him for Sentate. Not the same job. U.S. Sentate isn't about state gun rights.

I don't like Cruz either, don't trust a goldman sacks lawyer or his wife. My guy din't make it through the primary, I'll probably stay home for the run off.

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