Yours had a much better ending than the one I followed for over 30 miles and could not get a single officer to respond.Keith B wrote:OK, here's my story from this past Saturday night.
I was traveling north on 75 in the north part of Plano. I watched a pickup truck with his signal on for quite a distance cut someone off and almost take the nose off their car. The vehicle then came back into the outside lane slowly as it slowed down to about 40 mph and wobbled back and forth across the lane dividing line. I called 911 to report a possible DWI and got Plano. We were crossing into Allen so i had the 911 operator transfer me to the Allen dispatch. As I was giving Allen the information the pickup had sped back up and nearly hit two more vehicles. By this time another car had realized the pickup was a potential issue and had pulled up beside me and made a small rolling road block in the outside 2 lanes of four. Unfortunately Allen had no one in position, so they handed me off to McKinney.
When we went by the Stacy road exit, the truck swung into the inside lane (now down to 3) from the outside, nearly hitting another car, and the other vehicle had to make an exit at Stacy. I passed the info on to McKinney and the truck was just making a maneuver onto Highway 5 over the new overpass. There had been a McKinney police SUV in the construction area watching, but by the time the 911 operator passed our exact location on to the dispatcher, the information was the truck had continued on north on 75, instead of turned onto Highway 5, so the police officer had pulled out an gone past the intersection and couldn't get back onto 5.![]()
I continued to follow the vehicle up 5 until they got a unit supposedly in position. I turned on my flashers so they could identify me, but apparently the officer coming from the other direction missed me because they were blocked by other vehicles. The truck, still driving erratically in speed (slow, then normal) and drifting across lanes and making lane changes in front of other vehicles, turned on a side street. The officer got turned around and was able to intercept us. I stopped and let the officer get behind the truck just as it had turned onto another neighborhood street. By this time two other cruisers were also on the location and joined for backup.
I turned around and stopped behind the police cars. They already had two individuals out of the truck and handcuffed. I rolled my passenger window down and one of the officers came over and thanked me for calling it in and following. He asked if he could get my license to write down my information as a witness. I told him sure, and that I was a CHL holder and did he need to see that also since I was carrying. He advised he just needed the license to get the name and address correct for his info in case they needed a statement from me, but thanks for letting him know. I gave him a quick run-down on the driving behavior and he said they would soon determine if the driver was under the influence, but never elaborated, on what they thought at that time. Once he gave me my license back, I asked if there was anything else they needed and he stated if they did they would contact me, so I left and let them sort it out.
Now, to stay on topic, luckily there were no accidents or injuries from this individual. However, because of the state that I am sure he was in, there were nearly 6 accidents that I personally witnessed as the police tried to get a fix on us. Those were all at 40+ MPH, so they would not have been minor fender benders.
So, if a sobriety check-points are done right, I have no issue with them. That is, you roll your window down and say hi to an officer, and if there is no probable cause to check further (smell of alcohol, marijuana, etc.), and they let you move on, then I am fine with them. I just feel they need to make sure there is a reason to further ask for ID and personal information if there is no reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
It was around thanksgiving of 2001. I was in Oklahoma headed south to Dallas on I-35. About Exit 24 a drunk got on the highway headed south. This turkey was from the northbound lanes to 100 feet West of the southbound lanes. I could not get OHP, Marietta, Love County , DPS, Cooke County or Gainesville PD to respond to take this yahoo off the road. And I followed him until he stopped at a house in Gainesville, exited his vehicle and wobbled and stumbled until he got inside a house.
To say it nicely, I was Highly Incensed!!!
I later sent off some NASTY emails to the various LEA's involved and the only one that even responded was OHP. And they did so quite professionally, the rest can go do something that the moderators wouldn't like me to post.