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by OldCurlyWolf
Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:23 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Shot Fired
Replies: 82
Views: 11826

Re: Shot Fired

baldeagle wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Edited to add: Certainly the more frequent and realistic your training regimen, the less likely you are to experience that dump so dramatically when the real deal happens. You'll just default to your level of training........which for old farts with not much money like me is kind of scary, because we don't have either the ducats or the physical capacity to train like that.
Yeah, but we make up for it with grumpiness and itchy trigger fingers. :biggrinjester:

We also don't have as much adrenaline to dump and more practice at handling it when it happens.

Then there is that old saw, "Old and devious beats young and strong". Or something similar. :coolgleamA:
by OldCurlyWolf
Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:32 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Shot Fired
Replies: 82
Views: 11826

Re: Shot Fired

gemini wrote:
Devil's advocate: You come home, night time, front door is kicked in etc., guy runs out the back. Do you give chase? It's apparent he's the one who kicked in the door. Do you run to check your VERY valuable possessions, run upstairs to to see if any family member has been harmed etc. Time is passing, the BG is fleeing a crime scene. You won't know what's been taken or who's been harmed, yet. Do you let him run or do you give chase?
Tough question. You must draw the line somewhere. And, in doing so, be able to live with the consequences or outcome.

I know what my response would be.
I have thought out this scenario and many more over the years. In my current house I would not chase into the back yard. I wouldn't have to do so. No rear gate, two 80 lb. dogs that claim the yard as theirs. BG would be running to me for protection.

Other than dealing with a break in, that would be fun. "rlol"
by OldCurlyWolf
Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:43 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Shot Fired
Replies: 82
Views: 11826

Re: Shot Fired

Keith knows whereof he speaks.

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