ScottDLS,ScottDLS wrote:Pawpaw wrote:You are, of course, correct. I got a little over zealous.ScottDLS wrote:Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, two years after the American Civil War started, but your point is still valid.
Still, when Lincoln was elected, the southern Democrats saw the writing on the wall and that lead to the Civil War. Slavery was not the ONLY issue, but it was a big one.
Arguably the main one. I never bought the "mean old Northern businessmen and tariffs".
You should have "Bought" it. It is true.
It is also arguable that the "War of Northern Aggression" would not have happened without the North attacking the south. It is a truth that although there is a DIRECTED verdict by the SCOTUS that the South couldn't secede, it is also true that the members of the court who so voted were traitors to the constitution. Logic dictates that any singularity or group that voluntarily joins a larger group also has the inate ability to leave that group.