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by Divided Attention
Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:41 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Carrying at the 1 o'clock
Replies: 17
Views: 2808

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

I didn't say in what I carry at 1230 - 1:30.... the M&P 9C is in a Tucker Heritage, and the P238 is in a Comfort Carry, and the Colt is in a Kholster. With all 3 I would adjust the cant and squat, sit, stand lean etc until I found one that not only was comfortable, but worked with the draw and concealment.

Today I went and tried on a Tucker gun belt at Woodlands Tactical. I was skeptical at how much difference a belt would make... I will likely be ordering one soon. They didn't have my size in the color I wanted, so I will have to order. I was shocked at how much closer the weapon stayed to my body (thought it couldn't get any closer) and how much more comfortable it was... took some of the pressure off the muzzle end of the holster.

The "optional" carry for me is cross draw at 1100 - 1130. This works well too, but I have to change the cant on the weapon/holster. Come on and join the club of those of us that have stood in front of a mirror with different outfits and holsters and weapons finding the "perfect" spot. ;-)
by Divided Attention
Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:04 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Carrying at the 1 o'clock
Replies: 17
Views: 2808

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

1230 - 1330 - all day every day (except when I carry off body because my outfit doesn't allow for waist carry. Either M&P 9C, P238 or Colt Cobra snubbie IWB. I am short waisted, and have to make sure the 9 is closer to 1230 than 1300 when riding in the car, but not an issue at all.

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