Well, I know my laser jammer works. I was side by side with a full size pickup doing 70ish in a 65. It was also in a spot I figured they would laser, but I didn't expect it southbound in the morning.
The truck was passing me, but a Northlake officer was stationary on an overpass above us. All the sudden I got a new tone from my Qi45 I hadn't heard. I looked down to see "SHIFTING" . . . meaning jamming the laser. There was no one in front of us & when I looked up is when I saw the officer tucking away the gun & quickly getting turned around. As I was exiting the freeway (at my exit), I slowed down a lil to see if he would slow down trying to get me. He just hauled butt to get the truck.
There wasn't any other vehicles around us either.
I figured I'd be lasered by Denton PD first. They like to setup a lil speed trap with an officer standing on the side of the road with a laser gun on a tripod. Then on the feeder there is a line of about 15 officers in cars/trucks/motorcycles! They'll do it south & north bound. I see it about twice a month on my 40 mile commute.
In fact, there are a lot of different patrols I see on my commute which is what motivated me to upgrade my detector.
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- Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:49 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
- Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:36 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
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Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
2up1down, I'm very much aware of those around me. I'm one of those folks that signal truckers with my lights when they've got space and or slow down, pull in halfway behind them to show them (since my new headlights take like 3 seconds to come on). I'm also one that still flashes lights when I've seen a speed trap set up.
Just because I'm driving faster, doesn't mean I'm not paying attention. I of course can only speak of myself. When I do do the silly things like try to merge into someone, I'm sure to wave the "my bad" gesture vs one finger salute. I can count on one hand the number of one finger salutes I've given.
One incident while my step dad was driving drives this home for me. We're on our way to a Rockets game, some guy a compact truck either cuts off my step dad or whatever & my step quickly honks and gives him the finger. Out of the open sliding rear window, the dude throws the peace sign & my step dad instantly cools off & we're laughing. I've taken that to heart.
I just wish people would follow the rules of the road (hypocritical coming from a notorious speeder?):
- slower traffic keep right
- pass on the left only
- signal
etc etc.
I'm one that passes a car, back to the right lane. Pass on left, back to the right, even if it's for just 10 seconds until I pass someone.
Just because I'm driving faster, doesn't mean I'm not paying attention. I of course can only speak of myself. When I do do the silly things like try to merge into someone, I'm sure to wave the "my bad" gesture vs one finger salute. I can count on one hand the number of one finger salutes I've given.
One incident while my step dad was driving drives this home for me. We're on our way to a Rockets game, some guy a compact truck either cuts off my step dad or whatever & my step quickly honks and gives him the finger. Out of the open sliding rear window, the dude throws the peace sign & my step dad instantly cools off & we're laughing. I've taken that to heart.
I just wish people would follow the rules of the road (hypocritical coming from a notorious speeder?):
- slower traffic keep right
- pass on the left only
- signal
etc etc.
I'm one that passes a car, back to the right lane. Pass on left, back to the right, even if it's for just 10 seconds until I pass someone.
- Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:49 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/arti ... d-in-court" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/arti ... d-in-court" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:33 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
I'm sure some physics major could easily debunk that.gigag04 wrote:For every 10mph you add, your risk of dying in a collision doubles.
It's kinda like guitar amplification. A 100 watt guitar amplifier is not necessarily twice as loud as a 50 watt amplifier. (Inverse Square Law)
I forget the particularly named "rule" or "law" about it, but I call hokum! ;)
- Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:29 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
I can guarantee I'm a more attentive driver than most. Like yesterday morning seeing a concrete truck slowly turning right . . . right in front of a rock hauler. Ever see that scene on Mythbusters where two semi's collide? I was thinking I was about to witness it with the rock hauler immediately to my right. I accelerated out of the 'danger zone' and most likely sped in the process, while watching my rear view for the imminent collision. I don't know how, but they did not. The rock hauler must've been empty because he slowed down.
Also, I'm originally from Houston. I'm sure my Houston brethren will attest to, if you're not doing 75-80, you better be in the right hand lane! I can tell I'm getting close to Houston is when I'm getting passed & I'm already doing 75-80 (typically around conroe/woodlands when 45 opens up).
Oh, and my Mom taught me to drive . . . and she was a paramedic for 20yrs. All her ambulance driving rubbed off on me during my formative years.
But again, I'm a way more patient driver now. Don't take the risks I used to (ie, being able to almost grab something off someone's rear bumper during a lane change). Just less patient on long drives when I just want to get to my destination. My worst ticket was on one such drive. 92 in a 70 in Georgetown, heading north from Austin to Dallas after my band played in Austin. He was using a laser & my old Bel 975R was of no use. Light traffic. I got it both ends too because of the points penalty I have to pay the State (having X many points in a 3 year span). I think I made my last penalty payment last year.
Also, I'm originally from Houston. I'm sure my Houston brethren will attest to, if you're not doing 75-80, you better be in the right hand lane! I can tell I'm getting close to Houston is when I'm getting passed & I'm already doing 75-80 (typically around conroe/woodlands when 45 opens up).
Oh, and my Mom taught me to drive . . . and she was a paramedic for 20yrs. All her ambulance driving rubbed off on me during my formative years.
But again, I'm a way more patient driver now. Don't take the risks I used to (ie, being able to almost grab something off someone's rear bumper during a lane change). Just less patient on long drives when I just want to get to my destination. My worst ticket was on one such drive. 92 in a 70 in Georgetown, heading north from Austin to Dallas after my band played in Austin. He was using a laser & my old Bel 975R was of no use. Light traffic. I got it both ends too because of the points penalty I have to pay the State (having X many points in a 3 year span). I think I made my last penalty payment last year.
- Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:50 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
How do you perceive speeders? Someone that is nearly laying tracks at every red light or someone flying by you 20-30mph faster on the city streets?Abraham wrote:How do consistent speeders rationalize the increased risk they pose for other drivers and their passengers, that is someone elses family, friends, co-workers when they speed or do they wave a dismissive hand at such considerations, cuz hey, they're EXCELLENT drivers...
I also see no speeder address what I think may be a big part of the equation: Breaking the law is fun for them, albeit low wattage.
Besides, they view speed limits applying only to law abiding chumps - not their elite selves.
As it is, for almost 10 years (95-05), I averaged a speeding ticket about once a year. 70% of them on the freeway. Some of them were not, but they were ridiculous (not yet out of a 55mph zone and into a 45mph zone, getting ticketed for 57 in a 45). I've slowed down as I've gotten more patient, but I'm still impatient on long drives. I just hit a higher top speed then those around me. Simple. I don't peel out at lights . . . even if I could . . . while I watch car after car after car bolt from a light only to hit "the wall" & I slowly pass them.
Would you not agree there is a risk with handling a firearm, hence the reason to "treat all firearms as if they're loaded"? You address that risk with training and practice.
I'm just addressing my risk . . .
- Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:13 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
Read radartest.com for tons of good info. I can NOT recommend a remote detector enough. Nothing stuck to your windshield to have to remember to take down, powers on with ignition, rates really well among all detectors.baraco01 wrote:Any of you recommend a laser jammer? Of course the one that you actually see that works. I am interested in getting one and one of those detectors/gps or any gadget that would record speed and location.
I just installed a Bel Passport Qi45. Qi45 is supposed to stand for Quick Install, 45 mins. I took a lil while longer, but it was easy cheesy to install. I've got $700 invested in the Qi45 with the laser jammer add on. I will take pics of it installed. It's loud too!
The downsides are the cost, the (not so difficult) installation, not portable between cars, and . . . cost. I never thought I'd pay $700 for a radar detector, but I really like it thus far.
Now the big brother to the Qi45 is 9500Ci. It's $1500 - $2000 installed! But it ain't no joke! It uses GPS to warn you of known speed traps or speed cameras or red light cameras. It will even remember a consistent false alarm by GPS & ignore it in the future. It's updateable via computer. I could live without those features though.
- Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:04 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
LOL, I tell people this all the time when asked "why do I have a radar detector, just do the speed limit?"Beiruty wrote:If the speed limit is 70 MPH and you need to drive some 240 miles, that is 3 Hrs and 26 mins. If you decided to do 80 MPH, that is exactly 3hrs. You saved 26 minutes. And of course, any distance less than 30 miles, saving are not worth it, may you save 2-3 mins.
"Because when I see a sign that says 'Houston - 180miles', I read it as two hours, not three!"

- Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:01 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
RadarTest.com shows completely opposite results. What devices did you use to jam? What lasers and modes were used to test? What methods? I'm not discounting what you experienced, but am curious.gigag04 wrote:FWIW our motors guys have tested laser jammers, shifters, closing devices, hyperdrive, and photon torpedoes.
I say save your money. V1s are good as are the higher end Passports.
Just about all radar detector sites believe that the V1 is surviving on "OLD" word of mouth reputation alone, not on true test results. It's not better than any of the newer devices.
My old Bel 975R in the real world matched results on their tests for radar (it never claimed to jam laser), so I believe them about the Qi45. Granted the Qi45 test results say that the vehicle they tested it on was smaller & more ideal to be less "laserable" (for lack of a better term).
I'm waiting (with bated breath) to be in a scenario where I hope my Qi45 warns me enough to avoid a ticket.
- Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:21 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9605
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
Necropost, but figured I'd add my 2¢ . . .
I just bought/installed my Bel Passport Qi45. Prior to this, I had the Bel 975R (remote). My Impala SS windshield has a SunGate windshield which has metal embedded in it which renders internal radar dectors/garage door openers/gps/etc useless. So I have to have a remote radar detector.
My 975R served me reliably for 8 years. The only times I got tickets were when windows were down, radio up, cruising along & not paying attention & not hearing the alert. The other time was when I already saw the officer approaching opposite direction & THEN he turned on his radar.
Yesterday, after wiring up my Qi45, I decided to go see if I could find the popo. It took me 30 seconds. I pulled out of my driveway, pulled out on to the main drag, and immediately started getting a signal. I did a uturn to see if it was indeed one of the cops & not some false & sho nuff. He turned on my street & I pulled in behind him to park. I had driven about 300-400 feet! :)
The cool thing about the Qi45 is I have the laser shifter pack installed too. It's supposed to jam laser reliably (see testing at the link below). I have the diffusers directly underneath the headlights, closest to center mass.
http://radartest.com/best-2010-remote-r ... review.asp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I just bought/installed my Bel Passport Qi45. Prior to this, I had the Bel 975R (remote). My Impala SS windshield has a SunGate windshield which has metal embedded in it which renders internal radar dectors/garage door openers/gps/etc useless. So I have to have a remote radar detector.
My 975R served me reliably for 8 years. The only times I got tickets were when windows were down, radio up, cruising along & not paying attention & not hearing the alert. The other time was when I already saw the officer approaching opposite direction & THEN he turned on his radar.
Yesterday, after wiring up my Qi45, I decided to go see if I could find the popo. It took me 30 seconds. I pulled out of my driveway, pulled out on to the main drag, and immediately started getting a signal. I did a uturn to see if it was indeed one of the cops & not some false & sho nuff. He turned on my street & I pulled in behind him to park. I had driven about 300-400 feet! :)
The cool thing about the Qi45 is I have the laser shifter pack installed too. It's supposed to jam laser reliably (see testing at the link below). I have the diffusers directly underneath the headlights, closest to center mass.
http://radartest.com/best-2010-remote-r ... review.asp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;