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Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:11 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: "This will be a citation stop"
Replies: 14
Views: 3273

Re: "This will be a citation stop"

RPB wrote:
LAYGO wrote:
RPB wrote:If I was with DPS, I'd probably issue citations to any CHL who wasn't carrying too. :mrgreen:
(Kidding, but I'd tell them to start carrying, in case I need help some day.)" onclick=";return false;

Jul 16, 1999 Houston: Texan Travis Neel helped save a wounded Harris County deputy sheriff's life. Witnessing the shooting by one of a trio of Houston gang members after a traffic stop just west of Houston, Neel--who was on his way to his pistol range--pulled his gun and fired, driving the officer's assailants away. An off-duty sheriff's deputy also came on the scene and joined Neel in covering the deputy, whose life was saved by his body armor. The trio was captured after a manhunt.
Maybe . . . MAYBE . . . a third of those were by actual CHL holders. The rest were just people getting a weapon & using an existing one, not necessarily a perfect example of a CHL holder coming to the rescue.
True, couldda been carrying under the MPA, my point was, and some officers might lecture ...
a CHL SHOULD be armed, where those in a car COULD be armed. I wasn't using it as an example that a CHL did anything.

I used to gripe at a retired LEO in my church who's a CHL when he didn't carry and he'd reply "Why should I? You're wearing four ... toss me one." But, he does carry now.
I guess to expand on my point, the website preamble to all the stories is that CHL carriers can help, but then lists stories that probably aren't relevant to a CHL helping. That was my point. Sorry to confuse! Here is a dancing banana:
Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:05 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: "This will be a citation stop"
Replies: 14
Views: 3273

Re: "This will be a citation stop"

RPB wrote:If I was with DPS, I'd probably issue citations to any CHL who wasn't carrying too. :mrgreen:
(Kidding, but I'd tell them to start carrying, in case I need help some day.)" onclick=";return false;

Jul 16, 1999 Houston: Texan Travis Neel helped save a wounded Harris County deputy sheriff's life. Witnessing the shooting by one of a trio of Houston gang members after a traffic stop just west of Houston, Neel--who was on his way to his pistol range--pulled his gun and fired, driving the officer's assailants away. An off-duty sheriff's deputy also came on the scene and joined Neel in covering the deputy, whose life was saved by his body armor. The trio was captured after a manhunt.
Maybe . . . MAYBE . . . a third of those were by actual CHL holders. The rest were just people getting a weapon & using an exisiting one, not necessarily a perfect example of a CHL holder coming to the rescue.
Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:22 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: "This will be a citation stop"
Replies: 14
Views: 3273

Re: "This will be a citation stop"

I once went thru an entire stop w/o saying a word. I was pretty sure I was getting the ticket already & when asked, handed him my identification/insurance.

I was stopped recently by DPS & didn't have my current insurance, but when he asked for license/insurance, I responded:
"Here's my license, here is my expired insurance, but I'm sure you can tell I'm current."

He gave me a very brief second look & handed back my insurance. I got a warning for my missing front plate (they don't make plate holders for my 15yo car anymore).

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