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by Texas PI Mom
Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:25 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: got finger printed today and then...
Replies: 32
Views: 8762

Re: got finger printed today and then...

hangfour wrote:When I went to FAST to get my fingerprints in Austin, I too was 'grilled' about why I wanted to carry a gun. I eventually replied that I was too old to run away from attackers anymore. I thought that they were entitled to ask as I was new to CHL procedures. But I did think it was a bit strange that I was grilled. Knowing what I know now I would have said: "for personal reasons". Live and learn.
Oh, the retrospect of 20/20. All answers should be "2nd Amendment, Moron." :smash:
by Texas PI Mom
Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:31 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: got finger printed today and then...
Replies: 32
Views: 8762

Re: got finger printed today and then...

I had such a bad experience with L-1 here in Waco (and the main L-1 branch on the phone) when I did fingerprints for my PI license that when it came time to get fingerprinted for my private process license, I drove down to the DPS in Austin and did it there. MUCH better there. L-1 is getting a bad reputation.

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