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by H_O_L
Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:30 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Utah CHL Instructor Story on WFAA
Replies: 231
Views: 33081

Re: Utah CHL Instructor Story on WFAA

longtooth wrote:As with everything in politics, govt, yes even daily life in the preacher's household, on occassion something good falls through the cracks. Does not make it right or easy.

I am sorry for your great troubles of life in these terrible times.
I am thankful for your great understanding of the hand of our God using these troublesome events of life to renew & refresh an Eternal Relationship w/ Him.
"the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed." Rom:8:18.

Welcome aboard my new friend.

Where is home now.???

We now reside just north of Austin...

Thanks for the comments and quoted scripture!

And AMEN to "the glory which shall be revealed"... As a watchman, I am always looking up!!!

Thank you, brother!

Round Rock, Tx.
by H_O_L
Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:21 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Utah CHL Instructor Story on WFAA
Replies: 231
Views: 33081

Another viewpoint...

As a 36 year resident of Texas and a new member to this forum (and as a Utah-only CFP holder), I'd like to chime in regarding the primary reason that I chose the Utah license over the Texas license:

I owe back child support in Texas...

Before you deem me a criminal, ask my children and my ex-wife if my children EVER lacked for anything.

Due to the unexpected circumstance of losing my (almost 6 figure) job in late 2004, I was unable to continue paying the ~$1200 per month child support as outlined in my divorce decree. I continued to pay it out of my retirement fund (401k) until it dried up. Due to my salary history, and the (then) downturn of the high-tech sector, I was unable to find ANY kind of career. I was "over qualified" for most jobs that I applied for... Even Braum's would not hire me. Seriously.

Due to the incompetence of the Texas AG's Child Support division, I could not even get a review scheduled for a hardship reduction. Finally, my ex-wife stepped in (probably out of pity) and arranged a local review meeting. SHE had the monthly amount reduced...

As a result of my misfortune and lack of employment, I lost everything. House in the country, acreage, trucks, motorcycles, horses, swimming pool... everything!!! Even so, I NEVER missed time with my children NOR did they ever lack for ANYTHING!

All the while, the child support arrears continued...

BUT, according to our fine Texas Law, I am unable to obtain a Texas CHL because I am (essentially) labeled a criminal.

Getting the Utah license was easy, sure... But, I assure you that the FINE GENTLEMAN who offered the class was quite responsible, holding both Texas and Utah Instructor permits, in teaching BOTH Texas and Utah CCW laws. It did not require 10-12 hours to cover this material. Nor should a shooting test be required before I can apply my 2nd Amendment rights. I am -very- proficient in the safe handling, and shooting of, my weapons.

BTW - I took the Texas CHL course when it first became available in this state, and as some others have posted here, did not have the funds available at the time to complete the application process. The class was filled jokes, fluff and filler, the written test was basically a joke and the shooting test was rudimentary at best. That was long before I was divorced and had no "issues" with the state.

Flash forward many years... My eldest child is now emancipated and attends college. My youngest child has been living with me for the last three years. Guess what? Again, the wheels of justice turn slowly and the AG's office incompetence grows... I am -still- paying child support, medical support (and arrears) even after three years of my youngest child living with me...

It has taken a year alone just to get my case transferred from my previous county of residence to my current county of residence... My application for support STILL has not been processed by the state. Where's the justice? Additionally, the amount of child support that my ex-wife "owes" me over the last three years would more than negate my arrears.

Contrary to some folks' opinions, I passed the same FBI background and fingerprint check that Texas CHL holders do... I am not a criminal in the FBI's mind (nor my ex-wife or childrens), just to the State Of Texas AG's office...

I am not a deadbeat Dad, nor a criminal and I pay my taxes every April 15th. Yet the State seems to think that I am a risk. BTW - I researched the matter, and as I understand it, a waiver can be written by the AG's office (to the DPS) allowing an exemption to the child support arrears disqualification. Do you honestly think that after three years of trying to get my application for support for my child processed that I am going to hold my breath while I wait for the AG's office to draft such a letter? No chance...

I hope to have presented another side of the "Utah" story... Not all people who are disqualified in Texas are "bad" people.

God bless,

Proud Utah CFP Holder

P.S. - I am convinced that our gracious God humbled me by bringing me to my knees by taking the material things out of my life (and I am grateful to Him for that). Eighteen months after losing it all, He guided me to a new career path, a new life, and a renewed relationship with Him.

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