Search found 3 matches

by bigolbigun
Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:20 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: ammo on sale
Replies: 2528
Views: 558006

Re: ammo on sale

usa1 wrote:the only reason ammo is easier to find is because i stopped hoarding... :shock:

So your the one!
by bigolbigun
Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:37 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: ammo on sale
Replies: 2528
Views: 558006

Re: ammo on sale

dleewo wrote:
joe817 wrote:
bigolbigun wrote:Walmart in Grand Prairie 360 and Great Southwest has Blazer Brass .40 cal. 12 boxes and .45 cal 8 boxes $14.97 on the .45 and I did not look that close on the .40 price .... This was at 8 am.
Clarification, please...... Hwy. 360 and Great Southwest Pkwy, do not intersect....Both run north and south. ;-)
I suspect he meant the one off I-20 near Great Southwest Pkway


Correct... In my excited state from actually finding some affordable range ammo I did indeed put in the incorrect intersection. Good thing there is only one Walmart in Grand Prairie, otherwise I may have sent someone on a wild goose chase. ;-)
by bigolbigun
Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:35 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: ammo on sale
Replies: 2528
Views: 558006

Re: ammo on sale

Walmart in Grand Prairie 360 and Great Southwest has Blazer Brass .40 cal. 12 boxes and .45 cal 8 boxes $14.97 on the .45 and I did not look that close on the .40 price .... This was at 8 am.

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