Perhaps we should pursue this aspect a little further with them, then.gemini wrote:I think logic was absent when the minds (or mindless minions) that created the "policy" assembled.Mithras61 wrote:I'm trying my best to believe that they are being honest with us, but I keep hearing this "in case something happens," and I can't figure out what they think might happen.
If it's a shooting incident, the LEOs will get your CHL info at that time. The Fair people having it won't be much use to the LEOs, and it is quite unlikely that a CHLer would be involved in a shooting and NOT stay until the LEOs arrive (if it's so likely as they seem to think, why hasn't it happened yet?).
If your gun falls out of your pocket, how are they going to identify it as yours (were they recording serial numbers as well? I bet not!).
So beyond those two things, what do they think might happen that having your name & info might be of use to them?
If there's a shooting, chances are that the fair having CHL info will be at best useless and at worst a distraction from the criminal investigation. Are they intentionally trying to hamper the investigation of any such incidents?
Consider the number of State Fairs since CHLers have been allowed to carry to the fair. What is the total number of firearms incidents and how many were attributed to CHLers?
Let's force them to realize that they are wasting their time and money and potential income (how many will simply refuse to go so long as they insist on gathering this information that is useless for its alleged purposes and only of use to someone with either harassment or nefarious purposes?). Now they are having to employ Dallas LEOs to provide additional security at the gates to handle this issue, and are wasting even more time and money than they were previously. How are they ensuring that the information is actually destroyed?
I'd also like to see some evidence that it is handled properly (that is, with appropriate levels of security and discretion), since they have repeatedly lied to us and their word is now completely worthless, so their word that this information is shredded at the end of the day is also worthless.