It may be a cramped existence (relatively speaking), but many people manage it without living in the stereotyped rusty trailer. I'm not one of those people as I can't carry at work, and I prefer not to leave my firearm locked in my vehicle while at work. However, I carry just about everywhere else I can (which, where I live, is pretty much everywhere). Sure, I have to disarm before going into the post office (which I do maybe once every 3 months). Sure, I had to leave my firearm in my vehicle one time when I attended a reception at a winery (51% posted). I carry with the full realization that I will almost surely never draw the firearm in public, but I don't want to experience the regret of not being prepared if that statistically unlikely event happens to occur where myself or my family is present.
I'm not trying to argue here. Sure, it's not practical to carry some places. However, there's no point in putting those who choose to do so in a trite little box.