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by MeMelYup
Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:41 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: A Girl and Her Gun(s)
Replies: 33
Views: 29153

Re: A Girl and Her Gun(s)

uthornsfan wrote:I wouldnt use empty cases as they might not feed properly. They may also give you the wrong impression that something has actually malfunctioned with your rifle.

Use snap caps instead.
Not feeding properly is a jam. That is what you want so the firearm requires clearing.
Snap caps are best for dry fire or misfire or for trigger control. They won't simulate a malfunction that needs to be cleared.
by MeMelYup
Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:59 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: A Girl and Her Gun(s)
Replies: 33
Views: 29153

Re: A Girl and Her Gun(s)

CHLLady wrote:Great post Selina. It's been a journey for me too. I went from scared and shaking to calm confidence. I still have setbacks that break my confidence when my gun jams, but pushing through it and learning to deal with it is extremely important in order to handle it in an emergency.

I still consider myself a student. I'm ok with that. The rules are fresh and foremost on my mind when I handle my gun. I'm open to learning from ther people's experiences and make notes. I learn something every time I visit this forum. I'm grateful so many true professional, experienced, and responsible gun owners share their differing opinions and thoughts here. There's just so much to learn! :cheers2:
Your SO (significant other) needs to load your magazines with several empty cases per magazine for you to shoot. This will cause a jam and you will become use to clearing your firearm. Make the empty cases random in the magazines.

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