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by Rebel
Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:33 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: really didnt want to make this thread so soon...
Replies: 25
Views: 4337

Re: really didnt want to make this thread so soon...

schufflerbot wrote:
Rebel wrote:
schufflerbot wrote:...or at all, for that matter.

but - i got pulled over tonight.

just got my plastic in the mail on Monday and here i am already having my first LEO encounter. driving from conroe to our house, we came across 2 staties with a car pulled over.
Totally off topic, but where are you from? I have never heard anyone refer to DPS/Troopers as Staties, 1st time I heard that term was in the "The Departed".
born and raised in houston, tx.

i constantly get questions about my birthplace, though - i dont have a texas accent and constantly use odd words and phrases.

but, im a total texan! :txflag:
by Rebel
Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:57 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: really didnt want to make this thread so soon...
Replies: 25
Views: 4337

Re: really didnt want to make this thread so soon...

schufflerbot wrote:...or at all, for that matter.

but - i got pulled over tonight.

just got my plastic in the mail on Monday and here i am already having my first LEO encounter. driving from conroe to our house, we came across 2 staties with a car pulled over.
Totally off topic, but where are you from? I have never heard anyone refer to DPS/Troopers as Staties, 1st time I heard that term was in the "The Departed".

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