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by Jasonw560
Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:44 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now
Replies: 276
Views: 42821

Re: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now

Because it hasn't gotten out of committee yet.
by Jasonw560
Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:23 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now
Replies: 276
Views: 42821

Re: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now

Jason K wrote:
Jasonw560 wrote: I quit watching after one or two of the "the teachers (professors) will be the targets if this bill is passed..." Um....this bill is geared towards you, dillweed.
My question to that kind of professor is, "What keeps someone from targeting you now?....a paper sign?" They must just like being helpless.... :banghead:
Great point. What they don't realize is that if someone IS targeting them, the chance is LESS they would try something with the threat of a CHLer in the class.
by Jasonw560
Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:48 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now
Replies: 276
Views: 42821

Re: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now

TVGuy wrote:
RogueUSMC wrote:All this over a statistical non-issue...

A discussion with a coworker resulted in us doing the math.

12000 Tyler Junior College student population
3000 For the sake of argument split the classes up evenly four ways allowing the seniors to be in the agegroup that can have a license
90 Roughly 3% of the states population has chosen to obtain a license
45 Polls have shown about half of license holders donnot carry on a regular basis

So, that is roughly 45 out of 12000 that might, statistically, be carrying a gun on a regular basis.

Add to that the fact that those 45 are 17 times less likely to break the law than the other 11955.

A statistical non-issue made out to be an unbelievable crisis!
But guns are evil and dangerous. It is not a matter of if, but WHEN. If there is just one on campus it WILL go on a rampage all by itself. :banghead:
So, here is my question: what happens to the mind of a person (who is cc'ing) between the time he pays for his pizza and sub at Young's Pizza in Kingsville, drives the 2 blocks, and steps on the TAMU-Kingsville campus that would turn them from a law-abiding citizen to a potential mass shooter?
by Jasonw560
Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:22 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now
Replies: 276
Views: 42821

Re: HB 910 (OC) Committee debate - Now

So, all college campuses are akin to Disneyland now. A magical place with rainbows and unicorns. Where NOTHING bad ever happens.

I quit watching after one or two of the "the teachers (professors) will be the targets if this bill is passed..." Um....this bill is geared towards you, dillweed.

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