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by SewTexas
Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:51 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: Ladies, let's not get complacent with our purses...
Replies: 18
Views: 6301

Re: Ladies, let's not get complacent with our purses...

CHLLady wrote:Oh yes, now I remember that about the breast cancer because women were putting them in their bras? During winter, it will be ok cuz I put it in my coat pocket with my keys. Summer will be more difficult though.

yeh, they found breast cancer in several teens and young women who were putting them in their bras. The tumors were right where they would put their phones. scary stuff.

As far as I know they haven't found anything about putting them in the jeans pockets, but I know I haven't been putting mine on my body anymore. given my genes, just don't need to increase my chances at all :shock:
by SewTexas
Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:01 pm
Forum: Ladies
Topic: Ladies, let's not get complacent with our purses...
Replies: 18
Views: 6301

Re: Ladies, let's not get complacent with our purses...

CHLLady wrote:
LikesShinyThings wrote:I can't even begin to imagine placing my purse in a cart. And it is ALWAYS zipped shut unless I'm actively taking something out or putting something in. I also carry nothing of any value in my purse, except my gun on those occasions when I am carrying in my purse (and if my gun is in my purse, my purse stays slung cross-body). I know this is not a guarantee against theft, but it's what I can do without going totally paranoid.

I know I live in a small town, and theft from purses is rarer out here, but I just cannot believe the lack of concern some women show for their purses. I guess, coming from some bigger-city areas, I still haven't "gained" the small town mindset that there's no crime here. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. There's something serene about blissful ignorance. But I just can't live that way. Besides I'd feel mighty silly if I DIDN'T take precautions and I got robbed or worse.

I could knock someone out with my purse. Lol. It would be nice to not to have a purse, but too much stuff to cut back. I still have to have the assortment of band aids etc. I have always been vigilant about my purse too many pick pockets overseas.

Theft of cell phone right out of your hand?! Ok, then. I've been trying to keep my cell separate from my purse just in case. I've been keeping it in my pocket, but I'm concerned about the EMF's radiating on my ovaries when I switch pockets. Half jokingly, I say this. If you read the iphone manual it says keep 1 inch away from your skull while in use. Just makes you wonder...

There are studies connecting them to breast cancer...I've never thought about putting them in pockets and what that would do....the thing about the breast cancer is it's right against the skin, if it's in the pocket there is a layer of fabric, plus the organ (ovary, etc) is deeper....However, I've started carrying mine in a pocket in my purse more often, I must admit.
by SewTexas
Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:15 am
Forum: Ladies
Topic: Ladies, let's not get complacent with our purses...
Replies: 18
Views: 6301

Re: Ladies, let's not get complacent with our purses...

because of a shoulder injury earlier this year I have just about changed completely to cross-body/messenger style purses. Now sure, if I'm just in and out of some place for a couple of mins, I might sling it on my shoulder, but for the most part, and esp in a grocery, it's across my body and zipped. I couldn't do that with the big bag style...I can't say that's what caused the problem, esp as guys often get the same injuries, but I'm sure it didn't help. (I have/had Frozen Shoulder AND a Bone Spur. I can now move my arm freely, can't go behind me like I could before, but it's's joined the weather report joints though :roll: )

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