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by captainkbt
Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:37 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: the unthinkable - what are your preps?
Replies: 6
Views: 2079

Re: the unthinkable - what are your preps?

speedsix wrote:...the more I consider'd be real good if we could get some informal training from returning medics who've had to deal with "stuff" in rustic, uncivilized environments...who day in the future the ER may not be open...could this be done without the "teacher" incurring liability or sanctions??? I'd like to know the basics of dressing wounds/breaks, head injuries, etc...

I hope "rustic, uncivilized environments" arent a problem where you live. Maybe a little heads up so we can avoid that

If you would like to know the "basics" of general first aid you have several choices. If you want a certification you can enroll in a first aid class. If you just want instruction without the cert you can pick up a used first aid book, EMT book, or you can learn how to do just about anything on the internet.
by captainkbt
Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:56 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: the unthinkable - what are your preps?
Replies: 6
Views: 2079

Re: the unthinkable - what are your preps?

Griz44 wrote:I took industrial safety with my job, learned about a lot of trauma types, so I think I am prepared for the unthinkable.
I too keep at kit at the ready, with compresses and tourniquets.
Like the old saying goes, prepare for the worst, pray for the best.

No tourniquets unless it will be a very long time for EMS. Direct pressure to stop bleeding if there is external bleeding. If GSW is in torso lie them down and keep them from moving because bullet can be lodged in spine. Call 911. Thats about all you can do. Thats about all EMS will do besides start an IV and rapid transport,. GSW victims need surgery, you cant do that at a range.

25 years HFD with 8 years paramedic.

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