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I am told several McBean Elementary teachers and parent volunteers alike were on their last nerve with Mrs. Mount, describing her as “domineering,” “demanding,” “obsessive,” “unreasonable” and “a menace.”
Principal Dallas reportedly had several intense discussions with Mount, explaining that if she did not back off and cut down on the time she spent “volunteering” at the school, she would be forced to require her to do so. This was not one conversation, but several, spanning over the course of several weeks.
During Mount’s vehement defense of her actions at school, she apparently emphasized concerns that her special needs daughter needed to be “protected” from bullies. It was at this point the Concealed Weapons Permit was mentioned, along with her willingness to use it to “protect her child.” Shortly after that discussion, in which Dallas condemned the talk of firearms as a possible defense, Mount posted the picture of her CWP on Facebook.
The post was apparently the straw that broke the camel’s back. Dallas was concerned enough about her tone and her reportedly “aggressive nature” to seek the ban from the school.