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by RoyGBiv
Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:34 pm
Forum: Texas Firearms Coalition
Topic: UPDATE: Video Conference:
Replies: 36
Views: 31083

Re: UPDATE: Video Conference:

Charles L. Cotton wrote:I tested the wireless Internet connection at PSC and it's not remotely fast enough for me to offer a video conference of the upcoming Texas Self-Defense & Deadly Force Laws Seminar. In fact, it's the slowest I've seen since dial-up days. Oh well, . . .

if there's a wired port in the same room as the seminar its pretty simple to add a wifi spot to the wired port. Then its only a question of whether the location has sufficient upload speed to their service provider.

I have a portable wifi unit I use in hotel rooms when traveling. I'd offer to loan if to you but I think you can buy one for less than the cost of postage. IIRC I paid $12 for mine. Or someone locally is sure to have a spare wifi router they can loan you.

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