I appreciate your opinion but in your whole excellent post you chose to single out two specific guns as not having as efficient a safety as others. I thought that needed to be responded to as this was your opinion and not shared by all. As I stated I have yet to hear of anyone being injured with a ND by an M$P but there are several I could mention by Glocks.TEX wrote:To CompVest,
I must respectfully disagree. No doubt the M&P trigger safety is more comfortable and ergonomic that either the Glock or XD (in my opinion), but I believe the latter ones to be superior, safety wise, in this regard. In order to move the trigger back on the Glock or XD a foreign object would have to hit the exact center line of the trigger or cross through it, were as on the M&P it only has to catch any part of the lower half. Has anyone accidently been shot because of this, I really doubt it, but I do think the design presents a slightly greater possibility for an AD. However, I would feel perfectly safe carrying an M&P if it were in a proper holster. On the XD, the trigger face safety is redundant if the grip safety is functioning properly - making the point is moot.
So I believe your opinion that the M&P safety isn't as good as that used on the Glock or XD is at this time unfounded.