Your post is a little nebulous. Was this a personal attack directed at me?boba wrote:The troll is the person calling someone a liar because they posted the same story in more than one forum.

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Your post is a little nebulous. Was this a personal attack directed at me?boba wrote:The troll is the person calling someone a liar because they posted the same story in more than one forum.
Hey! Don't be dissing my Milk of Magnesia!tacticool wrote:Not milk of magnesia?
My opinion disagrees with your opinion, this time.Mr.ViperBoa wrote:Thats ridiculous. I didn't hear him accuse the officer of anything. Just stated that the Officer didn't return his CHL. Thats not an accusation, its a fact if he is telling the truth. I don't care if it is 215 am or pm. Going 3 miles over the speed limit isn't hurting anyone. Might not have even showed he was going 3 over in his car. I drive 3 or 4 different vehicles a week and I doubt any of the speedometers are dead on. If someone cant come in here and tel his story and explain what happen, why do we have the forum to begin with?sugar land dave wrote:This is your first post, and I agree with TAM above, however I find it distressing that anyone would go on a website and make accusations about an officer while naming said person. For all you know he may have accidentally lost your CHL card between his seat and console. At 2:15 in the morning, trying to see by overhead light, there are shadows within any car where an id card can hide. You've made an unprovable charge against an officer here and named him. I won't speak for others here, but I believe your post to be quite unfair to this particular officer and to law enforcement in general.
By the way, It might be good to drive a little slower at 2:15 am. A larger percentage of drivers at that hour HAVE been drinking or doing drugs.
The parties do exist. A quick Google search will find them.Texas Dan Mosby wrote:Is this post for real?
WB, are you agreeing with one of my points?WildBill wrote:...About a week later I got a call from the rental car company saying that they had found the GPS case while cleaning the car.
My point is that the GPS case is much bigger than a CHL and can be easily lost in a vehicle.
Thank you for making your reasoning more clear to me. Though I usually find myself agreeing with you, I guess this is one thread where I just won't be able to see eye to eye with you. I do thank you for the response.speedsix wrote:...the officer did not say he'd mail it back to shouldn't take any longer to find it, than to lose it, given the officer's stated "routine" of "always..."
...yep, sometimes old ex and retired cops disagree...with young and old ones...regardless of which century you were a cop in, cops will argue and disagree...that's life...where in this thread does anyone brand this LEO as a "bad cop?" being extremely critical of a man's behavior in one scenario deals with that scenario...not his whole life...don't blow it out of proportion ...and respect due is usually predicated on behavior...the OP gave respect at first, but didn't, according to the account, get much back...I've known and worked with enough officers for enough years to "see" the situation as described as not a good one...but nobody's bashing the cops or calling this a bad one...rather, we're saying that he behaved poorly in this account...and that reflects badly on his peers...and they have to live it down... of my most-used expressions on the street was: "Now I'm NOT the last cop that you dealt with...back up and start this over!"...more often than not, it worked....
...of course a cop's going to ask about alcohol and problem...but he kept trying to find a problem...without a many times does he need to be told that the man's not drinking, not smoking pot...not a word said about his reason for persisting in that line of questions...
...I don't know of an occupation where there is so much criticism...comes with the territory...the attitude and behavior of one becomes part of the "image" of what a "cop" is to the person who's experienced it...any man who wears a badge had better be able to take criticism...from others who do and those who don''s as sure as sunrise...
...let this scenario be replayed in a retail store, for instance, and there would be noone standing up for the clerk's either carelessness, or lack of concern, or both...
...edited 'cause I got interrupted by folks coming in...