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by sugar land dave
Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:04 am
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47154

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

I'm running windows 7 and 10 and can also boot into Linux Mint.

I plan to play some with Ubuntu and OpenSuse after I finish torturing my computer. I've been moving the partitions around between my three drives to see if I can still keep the boot menu working. It is amazing what you will do to entertain yourself when you are stuck at home a few days and don't like TV. Good old MBR and BCD! One more time guys.

Most of the folks on this board are pretty smart guys and gals, so it would not surprise me if quite a few dabble in the black arts of alternate operating systems. ;-)

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