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by 1wise1
Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:27 pm
Forum: "How To" Tips
Topic: Replacing sights on Springfield XD9
Replies: 18
Views: 24585

Re: Replacing sights on Springfield XD9

Thanks folks, I appreciate your suggestions. I did take the XD9 to one Gunsmith who would not accept the gun because he could not promise not to scratch or gouge it when removing the old sights. I think shipping the slide to Springer may be the smartest move. According to other owners, the Springfield factory is taking up to 6 months to "fix" problems and get the guns back to owners. That's not terribly encouraging news.
by 1wise1
Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:05 am
Forum: "How To" Tips
Topic: Replacing sights on Springfield XD9
Replies: 18
Views: 24585

Re: Replacing sights on Springfield XD9

Thanks Dan, I have this same pusher but the small anchor blocks have not been tapered to the shape of the XD slide. This is the first edition Sub Compact, not the Mod2.
I guess I was hoping there might be some "trick" that I've been missing, like a taper in the dimensions of the mounting channel from one side to the other. I'll try penetrating oil before I ship it to the factory.
I love the way the gun shoots but fit and finish leaves a lot to be desired. First time to use the slide release lever required a pair of smooth jawed pliers... and the magazine ejector would only push from one side until a healthy application of grinding compound and a polisher to the release mechanism. Clearly quality control issues that an inspector should have flagged.
by 1wise1
Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:27 pm
Forum: "How To" Tips
Topic: Replacing sights on Springfield XD9
Replies: 18
Views: 24585

Replacing sights on Springfield XD9

Replacing factory sights on my Springfield XD9 Sub Compact and having a terrible time getting the old rear sight off. Mechanical sight pusher will not budge it, and light to moderate tapping with jewler's hammer and brass punch will not move it. I have replaced identical slide-in sights on several Glocks without breaking a sweat.
Anyone offer a solution (or at least encouragement) ? Next up is the old motorcycle mechanic trick, get a bigger hammer. I would appreciate guidance before I break my wrist or worse, permanently scar the gun.

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