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by Originalist
Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:20 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: My first contact (aka how I found out my CHL was approved)
Replies: 40
Views: 5222

Re: My first contact (aka how I found out my CHL was approve

The CHL return only comes through if you request a "Wanted Person" check (QW for those TCIC/NCIC folks) as a TCIC Hit. That check has to be run with name, date of birth as minimum search criteria.

There is no other way for that info to come back on a regular DL return/vehicle tag, etc..... One and only way!

As for not having your CHL in your possession, dont you have to have it on you to "carry under its authority" Doesn't MPA supercede the requirement for having a CHL in a vehicle?

The first offense (prior to the change in law) for failing to show your CHL when asked for ID was a suspension only and the 2nd was a B Misdemeanor which would = 5 yrs of no CHL...

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