Yes, it was meant to be tongue in cheek - however, I do seriously think any continued chatter from the Obama surrogates about tax returns should be countered by the Romney camp choosing to go back even further in time and release his college records. Until Obama matches Mitt in releasing his full college records, then the Obama drones can shut up about the tax records (which is simply a diversion tactic).Teamless wrote:hmmm, could be, its hard to go from a "real' debate to "sarcasm" and see it!G26ster wrote: but I think you missed the sarcasm
I was waiting for a flight out of Chigago at an airport club, where I couldn't escape the idiocy of MSNBC on most TV's, when I wrote the comment. The lapdogs and advocates for Obama (most of the media) are simply going to attack Romney & Ryan, so I'd like to see things thrown back in their faces.