For HB508 it looks like the House didn't concur with the Senate amendment and they are putting together a conference committee
H House appoints conferees 05/23/2013
H House requests conference committee 05/23/2013
H House refuses to concur in Senate amendments 05/23/2013
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Return to “Are HB 508 and SB 1907 the Main Sausage Left”
- Thu May 23, 2013 4:17 pm
- Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Are HB 508 and SB 1907 the Main Sausage Left
- Replies: 69
- Views: 38339
- Thu May 23, 2013 4:10 pm
- Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: Are HB 508 and SB 1907 the Main Sausage Left
- Replies: 69
- Views: 38339
Re: Are HB 508 and SB 1907 the Main Sausage Left
The "Bill Stages" tab on the Legistlature website, once you've pulled up a bill, doesn't have every step. It has the big pieces but it doesn't show anything for conference committiees for bill reconciliation.HK_USP_45 wrote:What I see from the Texas Legislature Online is both these bills passed both the House and Senate and are in roue to the Governor. I am not reading this correctly?
Flow Charts on pages 39 and 40 of this document:" onclick=";return false; have the process mapped out (same kind of process as the fed level). You can then follow where it is with the bill "Actions" tab. The Bill Stages tab is a much summarized flow and makes some bills look like they have gone to the Govornor when they are not quite there yet.