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by jerry_r60
Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:48 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: I have a question
Replies: 24
Views: 5064

Re: I have a question

Bryanmc wrote:I think it comes down to the letter of the law vs the spirit of the law.
For some of this discussion, maybe. For some of the descriptions and scenarios I think it's plain. If an officer can walk up and look around in your car and see your gun without moving anything, that would be unconcealed. I don't think that one is in question. So for example the under steering column holster or the gun in the door pocket. If an officer can walk up look around in the car and spot it, it's unconcealed.

If it changes things if it only becomes unconcealed if you are asked to get out of the car, I don't know. I know I choose not to use put it anywhere that would be uncovered by my opening the door and exiting the vehicle.

I also would try to have my licenses and insurance in my hand already when the officer walked up to the door if I had the time to do so. So I'm not daggering around and opening anything to get them. I'm not suggesting opening a compartment to get them matters, I "think" that would not constitute unconcealed but I really don't know and would avoid having to do that by having my gun and license/insurance in the same place.

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