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by snatchel
Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:07 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: I'm disturbed...
Replies: 92
Views: 13254

Re: I'm disturbed...

He has the right idea. In one of my CQ courses, the instructors put dummy rounds in our mags randomly. You may or may not have had a dummy, you may have had 2. The point was to foce a clear or reload in a timely manner. When it was unexpected, it was realistic! The instructors handed us the mags before the course, and they were the ones that loaded them. Good stuff.

Most of my training was done with an M4, and on rare occasions a handgun. I could definately use some practice with a handgun, it would be nice to be as proficient with it as a long gun. Let me know if I can help or do anything Andy.

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