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by snatchel
Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:18 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Class Debate: Me vs. Liberals
Replies: 14
Views: 2153

Re: Class Debate: Me vs. Liberals


Nope, not at Tech... but I am at a Blue & Gold school that is owned by them. Angelo State University.
by snatchel
Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:48 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Class Debate: Me vs. Liberals
Replies: 14
Views: 2153

Re: Class Debate: Me vs. Liberals

The Annoyed Man wrote:Snatchel, tell Sam you know a self-employed small businessman who is just scraping by, who wrote two checks to the IRS this year. One was a check for $13,181.00 which was paid out of his retirement account on October 15, at the end of the late filing period. The payment was late because the bookkeeper your friend had hired had completely screwed up his books, and it took 6 months to get it all sorted out. The other check was for an IRS invoice which arrived 2 weeks later for $599.00 for "interest and penalties" for not having had my tax situation figured out by April 15. That's a total of $13,780.00. That self employed businessman cannot afford health insurance, so he is going to have to pay a Obamacare penalty in 2013. That $13,780.00 would have bought him a VERY GOOD health insurance plan with money left over. The money left over could have been used to hire someone like Sam part time to help your friend get his work out faster.

Instead, that $13,780.00 will be used to give free stuff to people who don't work, and health insurance to other people while your friend goes without it, etc., etc., etc.

Tell Sam that until he stops thinking about what he can TAKE instead of what he can GIVE, he will never have what it takes to be a business owner or a leader in his community. Tell him that the road to success is not for the faint of heart. Cowboy up.
If you don't mind, I will use this next time it comes up.

This was a History class. Funny enough, an Environmental History class....... and the professor is surprisingly Conservative. No matter...
by snatchel
Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:55 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Class Debate: Me vs. Liberals
Replies: 14
Views: 2153

Class Debate: Me vs. Liberals

This is the summary of a discussion in class from yesterday. I record my lectures, so I am quoting off of the audio file. Should provide for amusement:

Professor: "So who thinks that the democrats are stonewalling the progression of a bill to fix the economy?"
Sam: "I do. The republicans are holding onto the Bush Era taxes and ignore everything else..."
Me: " Are you referring to raising taxes on those making $250,000 a year that the democrats keep proposing?"
Sam: "Yeah...I pay more taxes than they do, and I work at Starbucks. This isn't fair. If we want to be serious about fixing the economy, we
need to seriously look at raising taxes for those that are blessed."

Me: " So you are telling us that by raising taxes on the rich, the deficit will magically be paid off?"
Sam: "No.... we need to cut spending too."
Me: "Even if the '1%' pay $500,000 more in taxes a year, there would be no significant reduction of debt. Think about it, Sam. Cutting
spending, yes. We can start there ... "

Sam: "It's not fair that the rich get to pay LESS taxes when they are sending jobs overseas though. They need to do their part."
Professor: "Give us an example, Sam"
Sam: "Apple."
Me: "Are you suggesting that American needs to bring production and industrial work should be brought back to the US"
Sam: " Well, yes. Americans can do that job, and it will help the economy"
Me: "Bringing assembly jobs and the like back to America is a pipe dream. Why would a company bring assembly work like putting together
iPhones to America when they can send those jobs overseas? They can build them cheaper, pay cheaper labor, and make a better

Sam: "See, that is the problem right there. Why aren't these rich CEO's not throwing Americans a bone? They could probably afford to spend
a little more on payroll and still make plenty of profit. But no, they send the job to China where they can screw their workers over.

Me: " Why should they?"
Sam: " You don't think they have some moral obligation to help out Americans. You are a christian, what happend to charity and helping

Me: "Are you really going there, Sam?"
Sam: "All I'm saying is walk the walk.."
Class: " ooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooooo" (well... amongst laughter and such.)
Me: " Please explain to me why if I were a business owner, I would have some moral obligation to throw someone a bone? Why would I do
that? To help someone out? You want me to pay $12 an hour for someone to assemble an iPhone when I can pay someone in China
$5 an hour to do the same thing? This goes against my business model. As a CEO, my job is to make money. That is it. Don't get
me wrong, I understand that the rich should be charitable, but they are not obligated to. It's not my responsibility to babysit America.
We have known for a while now that the future of American jobs lies in technology, engineering, and things like that. The days of
graduating high school and going to work for Company X .. and make enough to get by are over.

Sam: "So a business owner has zero obligation to do some good for those that aren't as fortunate.."
Me: ".... YOu know what? Topic shift. This is a circular debate anyway. I guess I'm part of a minority to think that being rich is not a
criminal act, and that if I want something good for myself, I will have to go earn it. This charity stuff is a big part of why America
is so in debt... and you are suggesting that Apple and other big companies make it part of their business plan. This makes me sick.."

Class/Professor: ******crickets*********

Anyway. I edited it as much as I could. Y'all wanna talk about a welfare nation? This is it. I just don't understand how it went from, "I want something real bad. I'm going to have to busy my bottom and WORK for it..." to, "I want something real bad. That guys has it, why shouldn't I be given it too?"

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