Blindref757 wrote:A couple of random thoughts.
1. If they grab my backpack with my Macbook and iPad, we are talking about a significant chunk of change...and with a $1000 deductible on my homeowners insurance, and all of my personal info and passwords that are stored in there...we are talking about a significant amount of money and hassle...but probably a lot cheaper than thousands of billable hours at Mark O'Mara's going rate. Probably not worth it, but there would most likely be a full video of the entire maybe a no-bill by the grand jury. Still, neither option is as easy as locking the door.
2. How dangerous is it to fire a gun in the proximity of gas pumps? If a cell phone is enough to spark vapors, what are the dangers of a 9mm muzzle blast? If it's life or death, it is probably worth the risk. If it is a few thousand dollars of property...I think I'll take my chances with the detectives solving the crime and paying the deductible.
Great thing about this think about this stuff pretty deeply!
yea this is off topic a bit but I gotta do it, this has been disproven so many times its not funny. Please understand this NO cell phone has even been found to have by any method ignited a fire at a fuel station, hazardous atmosphere or other place PERIOD!!! cell phones are in fact intrinsically safe but the manufacturers will not go thru the certification process. Cell phones use millivolt circuits and have no potential to ignite a flammable vapor not even benzene and look it up please benzene is flammable from about 20 PPM to 100% atmospheric content. Before you ask the reason they tell you not to use a cell phone while pumping fuel is because most people sit down in the vehicle then touch the fuel delivery handle, static from the butt sliding on the seat without discharging the charge on the vehicle then grab the handle with a several hundred volt charge and the charge is grounded to the fuel delivery device causing ignition of the flammable vapor. so please stop furthering Obamaism by making baseless statements