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by CCreyeder
Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:23 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: walmart asking for chl
Replies: 244
Views: 54567

Re: walmart asking for chl

mojo84 wrote:
Apparently you missed the quote from Wal-Mart corporate and TABC.
No, I did not miss it. Perhaps "buy" is not the correct term. I absolutely believe that the lawyers at WM feel this is the best approach for them to limit their liability. And, that is perfectly fine by me, they have to do what they feel is in their best interests. Not the approach I would take, but it is not my lic on the line either. What I DO find curious, is that if this (the TABC thing) is such a concern, why are not every corner convenience store, liquor store, Kroger, etc.. anyone also selling alcohol for off premises consumption, not also doing the same thing? Who knows, maybe they will take WMs lead and start doing it as well.

As I said, I really dont see this being an issue for me for the above stated reasons. More of a food for thought kind of thing. No controversy from me. I believe they have the right to ask, I am perfectly fine and not upset at all, if they ask me to leave once I refuse.
by CCreyeder
Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:58 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: walmart asking for chl
Replies: 244
Views: 54567

Re: walmart asking for chl

I guess I will crawl out of my "lurkdom" and throw my 2 cents in the mix.

Now, the likely hood of this happening to me are pretty non existent as 1) I do my best not to shop at Walmart due to personal reasons, and 2) I see myself rarely, if ever, OCing, but IF the stars were to align and those two unlikely events were to coincide, I would calmly and respectfully decline to show my LTC to anyone other than a LEO. Notice, I said RESPECTFULLY. I wouldnt get belligerent, make a scene, huff and puff...nothing. I would just politely say, "sorry, not trying to be a troublemaker, but, no. Would you like me to leave, cover up, or what" Or something along those lines. Doesnt matter if if is walmart, some local mom and pop place, same difference. I am not going to show my LTC to some "civilian" just because they ask for it. I very much respect the property rights of business owners, I have a small business myself, and am totally fine with them asking me to leave. I agree it is their house, their rules. walmart doesnt have anything that I have to have and/or cant get someplace else.

I'm not buying the TABC angle. However, I am not a lawyer, so maybe there is more to it. To me, the term "unknowingly..." seems like enough of a CYA, because after all, the law states that only those with a CHL/LTC are allowed to OC, so therefore "innocent until proven guilty" no? Is a person with an unlicensed firearm going to turn themselves in after they buy a six pack and some slim jims? Wasnt that the big dustup all about when getting the law passed? "We" didnt want to have to "show our papers" to LEO when doing nothing more than minding our own business with an openly carried firearm? Either way, I dont see it the job of the door greeter or manager on duty to determine if some one is legal or not. What are they going to do once I am "cleared" put a little pink sticker on the grip of my pistol? If walmart is THAT concerned with loosing their TABC lic, they should just put up a 30.07 sign, or have a LEO at the door.

I'm conflicted for sure and I've gone around and around in my mind about it. I understand and agree with being a good ambassador for CC/OC and I commend those who have said they will not make an issue out of it and I am not planning to either. As I said, the chances of me being in that kind of situation are slim to none. Really, more of a theoretical discussion. I do agree that OCT did more harm than good for our cause. I also predict that in 6 months, walmart (and others) will get tired of checking lic and it will become no big deal.

Sorry to throw an an opposing (and prob unpopular) opinion out there, but AT THIS TIME, those are my 2 cents. Maybe I'll be swayed back to the light side lol

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