Texas Dan Mosby wrote:With a degree in geology and math, you want to get into federal law enforcement?
Seems like a waste of talent to me, and I'm not being facetious.
I understand. I'm just one of those guys that if not properly motivated, gets bored easily. I can say that even with my college courses. There have been a couple of classes that I find the lectures to be unnecessary since I do my own prep for the exams and still wind up with more than decent grades. I am always trying to find something else to engage myself in.....hence picking up target shooting, competitive skeet, trap & sporting clays....and things even really weird like building furniture from scratch, just to test my self. If my mind isn't stimulated it really sucks for me. I mean in the most extreme case, I read a Medical Microbiology Textbook for fun since I found it challenging. I never took a course for it, but still did the self tests at the end of the chapters.
Oh, and to the user who suggested Airfoce OSI...thanks. My dad brought that one up as well when we were talking.