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by smtimelevi
Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:46 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

The Annoyed Man wrote:
smtimelevi wrote:
jocat54 wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
steveincowtown wrote: ...I guess the trouble I have is what right does a BP agent have to stop someone who is not at the border?
If you have a problem with the reach of the BP, you'll really get your knickers in a knot if you ever experience the authority of a Fire Chief or a Game Warden. BTW, IANAL :mrgreen:

Not sure about the Fire Chief but a Game Warden has ALOT of authority, I'm guessing more than most any other LEO.
They probably get paid less than most LE, I wouldnt want to cath him on a bad day, lol.
I wouldn't want to cath him on any day. Eeeeeew!
Never said I could spell,lol. Dang this thread is getting hypothetical. I guess I'm not helping :eek6
by smtimelevi
Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:43 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

paulhailes wrote:
smtimelevi wrote:If I wasnt hunting or fishing or didnt have anything to do with wildlife in my vehicle I dont think he would have reason to search it. ;-) Even if I did I would need to commit a game violation first. The Dept of Parks and Wildlife may have great jurisdiction but their scope stops at Parks and Wildlife. I think the Patriot Act only usurped the 4th Amendment for homeland security agencies.
How do they know you don't have anything to do with wildlife in your vehicle until they look.

Dont know, wouldnt care. It's parks and wildlife not the FBI. To me that would be like a security gaurd trying to cuff me. I'd just tell him to blow off and call the real cops if it's that big a deal.
by smtimelevi
Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:15 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

If I wasnt hunting or fishing or didnt have anything to do with wildlife in my vehicle I dont think he would have reason to search it. ;-) Even if I did I would need to commit a game violation first. The Dept of Parks and Wildlife may have great jurisdiction but their scope stops at Parks and Wildlife. I think the Patriot Act only usurped the 4th Amendment for homeland security agencies.
by smtimelevi
Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:01 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

jocat54 wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
steveincowtown wrote: ...I guess the trouble I have is what right does a BP agent have to stop someone who is not at the border?
If you have a problem with the reach of the BP, you'll really get your knickers in a knot if you ever experience the authority of a Fire Chief or a Game Warden. BTW, IANAL :mrgreen:

Not sure about the Fire Chief but a Game Warden has ALOT of authority, I'm guessing more than most any other LEO.
They probably get paid less than most LE, I wouldnt want to cath him on a bad day, lol.
by smtimelevi
Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:56 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

speedsix wrote:...only things I find to question about the encounter is 1) did they really ask you if you had any illegals in your vehicle and 2) I see no need for them to handle/clear your handgun and leave it unloaded...unless they ran the serial number...I'm not comfortable around cops handling weapons they haven't been trained on...seen too many mess up doing it...but they do have the right...

Yes they did but it seemed more like automated speech. Just once when i rolled up to the first agent. It was obvious there wasnt in my vehicle but they didn't repeatedly ask about it like they did about marijuana. One bp agent said " You know weed is illegal here in Texas. It's not like California where you can get a RX. You cant bring that stuff into Texas. Do you smoke it? "
by smtimelevi
Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:44 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

Oldgringo wrote:
smtimelevi wrote:
...Ive definitley got to get better about drawing the line with the LE when I know theyre crossing it.
Let us know this works out for you.

Ive done it before. I respectfully declined and told them my lawyer could be contacted for any further questions. That cop didnt say another word to me.
by smtimelevi
Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:27 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

AEA wrote:
smtimelevi wrote:I didnt let them have my drivers license or anything. Good luck connecting it to me,lol.
They had your License Plate # though. :shock:
uh oh.... your right. looks like its time to get rid of that pistol. Anybody want to sell or trade me a hand gun, in .45? I like 1911's (American made models) and glocks :fire . I'm in San Antonio :txflag:
by smtimelevi
Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:29 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Re: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

Wasnt sure what kinda authority they had as border patrol with the check point. I Remember reading something that they can only search your vehicle on the way in the country but there was some bull clause that they had authority to stop and search you on probable cause within 100 mi of the border. Probable cause is so vague that they could have thought I was high. I was thinking it would be quicker to let the dog smell around since I didnt have anything to hide than it would be to argue with 'em. I didnt have the energy to pull out the pocket constitution and go toes with them because I'd been driving 17 hours at that point. I wouldnt have let a cop do that, I probably shouldnt let them either if it happens again. I could care less about them taking the serial# of my gun, it bought it used from a fella at a gun show. I didnt let them have my drivers license or anything. Good luck connecting it to me,lol. Ive definitley got to get better about drawing the line with the LE when I know theyre crossing it.
by smtimelevi
Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:35 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso
Replies: 72
Views: 16608

Border Patrol Check Point Outside El Paso

On my way into Texas (just moved here) driving on I-10 E I encountered a border patrol check point maybe 10 mi outside El Paso. Supposedly the K9 picked up a scent and they had me pull over for further inspection. It was late at night maybe 2 am and I had been driving for over 15 hours at that point. I never herd that dog bark or do anything crazy but my eyes were pretty bloodshot and they must have thought I was high because they asked me repeatedly about marijuana. I dont use and didnt have any etc. but they insisted their dog could smell it. I'm still trying to figure out how the dog told them that it was pot and not some other drug,lol. Maybe the California license plate tipped him off. Cant wait to get some Texas plates and shut that door in my life. Any ways short story long they asked me about weapons and I told them "I've got a whole bunch" Had my folding knife in pocket and a buck knife on the dash, tactical shotgun under the backseat, and my kimber custom in the center storage compartment. The first agent didn't seem concerned about the firearms but wanted to leave my pocket knife in the truck. So they asked me to step out and wait while the dog sniffed around. While I was waiting about 5 border patrol agents came over by my and hovered around, they politely asked me to keep my hands from my pockets. I had some small talk with them and they seemed good spirited bunch just kinda bored, they were all in their 20's. They asked what I had in the vehicle drugs, illegals, weapons. I said " just weapons". They asked what and seem surprised about the handgun. One asked " it's not loaded is it?" I replied "Oh yea its loaded, thats the point right?" They didnt ask anything further besides where I was going. All in all they were very professional and courteous. When they let me go on my way I got back in the truck and found my knives on the dash the kimber unloaded in the center compartment, mag and chambered round in the cup holder. The shotgun hadnt even been touched. Other than wasting my time not too bad.

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