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by rentz
Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:47 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47154

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

n5wd wrote:
Dave2 wrote:I bought a Raspberry Pi 2 a couple weeks ago. Does that count?
Only if you're playing with Raspbian! Although I do have Ubuntu running on one of my Pi2's now and then. Primarily,my Pi2's serve as hosts for IPVoice applications using amateur radio: Maggie has a DVMega transceiver (a dual band 2 meters or 70 cm radio on it) running D-Star, and Dora is mated to an IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) simplex node that's about to go on the air (IRLP Node 3997 in case anyone was wondering!).

73 Wayne N5WD
I've been thinking of getting one to make into an ipvoice box to filter out some of these spam phone calls
by rentz
Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:21 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47154

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

bmwrdr wrote:
LDB415 wrote:Linux on a Macbook? I've often thought about playing with Linux just for the heck of it but never have gotten around to it. Is there a Linux that is 100% safe to run on an every day computer? I'd like to have one do dedicate to it so if I wreck it somehow it won't matter but I don't have a spare.
Macbooks boot a Linux kernel befor the MaqcOS starts, you can look at it as a boot loader to get Apple going :mrgreen:

You could run Linux on your Mac as a virtual machine. Some information about that can be founde at this link
technically its a bsd based system as macos uses XNU which is quite different then linux but that doesnt matter to the average user.

As said here you can use virtual box or even dualboot the mac easily with software apple provides.
I recommend something easy like ubuntu to get the hang of things

also of note you can drop into a native command line on the mac for basic *nix functions if needed and do development in perl/python/shell script etc.

its much easier to try *nix today than it was 15yrs ago

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