Here's the relevant part, in red, that does not have any legal repercussions to a CHL's CCW. They might say something, but all they can do is ask you to leave.Bully238 wrote:I've seen that sign at the Bullet Trap and these rules only make it difficult for "law abiding citizens". At some point your gun will be loaded. After all you are going to the range to SHOOT your weapon for crying out loud. The Garland range is something special. It's not everyday you can shoot along side an 20 something with purple hair and a nose ring. Ahh yes...even they have rights (and of course I support their rights).baldeagle wrote:Ask the range what their policy is. Garland Shooting Range allows it. The Bullet Trap in Plano has a sign in the window stating that all firearms must be unloaded before entering. Having said that, it's not illegal to carry concealed into/onto a gun range. The worst that could happen is that they ask you not to return, which might be a tipoff that they shouldn't get your business anyway.
Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
Moderator: carlson1
Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
Well there ya go. That proves I was paying attention.sjfcontrol wrote:Yeah. That's already been said at least once in this thread, by somebody, I forget who...
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
C-dub wrote: They might say something, but all they can do is ask you to leave.
No... they won't say anything. They had no intention of disarming a CHL holder with that sign! I know the folks working and running that place. I know their intentions of that sign! They are a 30+ year old business that does firearms training also CHL classes. They know what it takes to disarm a CHL . That is not who the sign is talking to! This is starting to remind me of one those gun buster sign threads! I'm gonna blow a gaskit over here!

Maybe one of the crusaders can go into Bullet Trap and tell them that sign can't prevent them from carrying concealed in there. Please post up the date and time your going. I want to be there with a video camera as they ask you where the short bus went after it dropped you off.
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
03Lightningrocks wrote:Bully238 wrote:I've seen that sign at the Bullet Trap and these rules only make it difficult for "law abiding citizens". At some point your gun will be loaded. After all you are going to the range to SHOOT your weapon for crying out loud. The Garland range is something special. It's not everyday you can shoot along side an 20 something with purple hair and a nose ring. Ahh yes...even they have rights (and of course I support their rights).baldeagle wrote:Ask the range what their policy is. Garland Shooting Range allows it. The Bullet Trap in Plano has a sign in the window stating that all firearms must be unloaded before entering. Having said that, it's not illegal to carry concealed into/onto a gun range. The worst that could happen is that they ask you not to return, which might be a tipoff that they shouldn't get your business anyway.
Once again I will point out that the sign mentioned DOES NOT apply to a person with a CHL. Unless said person failed to pay attention in class and does not understand the basic rules of proper signage required to prohibit entrance with a LOADED concealed weapon. They teach a CHL coarse at Bullet Trap. They figure they should not have to explain this to a CHL holder.
I agree about Garland Public shooting range. That place does attract some very colorful personalities...LOL. Bullet Trap does also, but because they have cameras watching all shooters, the buffoonery is kept to a minimum. At Garland it takes a fellow shooter to catch the fools and correct them.
Excellent and thanks for the are right. BTW I just finished my CHL class all I have to do is wait on the state!
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
MY general rule is to follow any posted signs, even if not specifically CHL-specific/enforceable... And then ASK.
For example:
Yesterday I went to the members only opening weekend at Shoot Smart, a new range over in N. FTW, at I-35 and Golden Triangle. As I was walking in from the car carrying my range bag, I see a prominent sign stating "All weapons must be unloaded and in cases" (or something close to that, you know the sign...). So after rolling my eyes (I do that a lot lately, I inherited it from my kids) I go back to the car, unload, and put the carry gun in the range bag.
They were pretty busy, grand opening and all, but as the co-owner was talking to me about the new equipment, etc., I pointed to her sign and asked her if that applied to CCW.... She said "do you plan to shoot it?", I said "Yes", she said "just keep it concealed until you get to the line, we don't want any weapons being carried in by hand, it makes folks nervous. We can't tell whether you're just inexperienced or trying to rob us if you walk in the door with a gun in your hand (she said it jokingly, but to make a point, very good naturedly, no offense taken)...
So... Now I know how the new "home range" wants to handle CCW. Easy. Friendly. Certain.
How would I feel if she had said "no CCW in here"?, I would have explained why I thought she was making a bad decision, then asked for my membership to be refunded before leaving.... Although I'd have been surprised if that happened..
For example:
Yesterday I went to the members only opening weekend at Shoot Smart, a new range over in N. FTW, at I-35 and Golden Triangle. As I was walking in from the car carrying my range bag, I see a prominent sign stating "All weapons must be unloaded and in cases" (or something close to that, you know the sign...). So after rolling my eyes (I do that a lot lately, I inherited it from my kids) I go back to the car, unload, and put the carry gun in the range bag.
They were pretty busy, grand opening and all, but as the co-owner was talking to me about the new equipment, etc., I pointed to her sign and asked her if that applied to CCW.... She said "do you plan to shoot it?", I said "Yes", she said "just keep it concealed until you get to the line, we don't want any weapons being carried in by hand, it makes folks nervous. We can't tell whether you're just inexperienced or trying to rob us if you walk in the door with a gun in your hand (she said it jokingly, but to make a point, very good naturedly, no offense taken)...
So... Now I know how the new "home range" wants to handle CCW. Easy. Friendly. Certain.
How would I feel if she had said "no CCW in here"?, I would have explained why I thought she was making a bad decision, then asked for my membership to be refunded before leaving.... Although I'd have been surprised if that happened..
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
Great way to get verbally 30:06ed. There is a very specific set of laws regarding which signs apply to you. There is no reason to ask, other than to make sure everyone knows you have a gun on you.RoyGBiv wrote:MY general rule is to follow any posted signs, even if not specifically CHL-specific/enforceable... And then ASK...

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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
Yep, that pretty much sums it up. My LGS has a similar sign and that sign doesn't apply to me.03Lightningrocks wrote:Great way to get verbally 30:06ed. There is a very specific set of laws regarding which signs apply to you. There is no reason to ask, other than to make sure everyone knows you have a gun on you.RoyGBiv wrote:MY general rule is to follow any posted signs, even if not specifically CHL-specific/enforceable... And then ASK...
Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
+1cbr600 wrote:Most of the time I keep my EDC loaded and concealed and shoot something else.
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
The first time I went, I had it in a case and asked the guy about their CHL policy/rules. After that I have been a few times with a couple boxes of ammo in hand an my weapon concealed. I told them, "I am heading to the range". They put stickers on the ammo boxes and didn't ask any questions. No locks, no hassles, no problems.C-dub wrote:This is very interesting. I like this. They did not even ask what caliber or how many mags or want to put a lock on it huh? This just makes it so much easier!gtrman66 wrote:I asked at Bass Pro in grapevine and there was no issue if you had a CHL.
The next time I went in, I checked in with 2 boxes of ammo, but no pistol and headed to the range, no questions asked. I unholstered and reholstered in the range.
I have had a good experience at Bass Pro everytime so far.
I clear out my "good" ammo and set it aside. Load my target ammo and fire away. When I am done, I load up my "good" ammo again and holster. Nothing to check out with (except casings) and I'm on my way. Saves a lot time if I am going during lunch on a work day.
What I do think is funny, is when I bring my .22 Heritage Revolver in the case and have 100 rounds of .40 S&W. Seems like that would raise questions.
1/9/10 CHL Class
2/2/10 Packet Sent
2/4/10 Delivery Confirmation
2/18/10 Pin Received "Processing Application"
3/4/10 Application Completed - license issued or certificate active
3/13/10 Plastic in Hand!!!
2/2/10 Packet Sent
2/4/10 Delivery Confirmation
2/18/10 Pin Received "Processing Application"
3/4/10 Application Completed - license issued or certificate active
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
I always carry my concealed handgun with me when I shoot, but I leave it concealed the whole time. Never any problems and I have seen at least a few others I know to be carrying as well. If I'm going to shoot it, then I bring it in cleared and open.
Last edited by Keyhole on Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
Good postAndyC wrote:Guys, you have a bear a couple of things in mind when it comes to CHL and shooting ranges: ... Don't be an amateur - don't be a dork.
This has happened too many times for me to count. Not with CHL holders, but with others handling and loading weapons while people are down-range. If I observe this behavior I will talk to the offending parties.I'm seriously less than impressed when I'm down-range changing a target - and a new shooter arrives at the bench and suddenly whips out his concealed firearm as if to impress everybody and slams it on the bench before the RO can even grab him.
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
Apparently you do your shooting outdoors, where there are no target retrieval systems. My experience is that "most" (indoor) ranges, as well as some outdoor ranges, ARE "hot" all the time, and if you're downrange for ANY reason, you're going to cause a panic!AndyC wrote:2. Very few ranges are "hot" ranges where weapons are allowed to be loaded all the time - so the firearm should already be cleared before you even get to the firing-line. It's a safety-issue (as well as a courtesy to the other shooters there who have been following the rules), because once you're on the range, the only place that's considered a safe direction is the backstop. It's a stricter place than when you're on the street (where a safe direction doesn't really exist) - the rules are to keep everyone safe, not "infringe on your rights".
Are all these shooters using weak-side holsters? I don't see how a strong-side holster could be drawn from and sweep anybody without some very clumsy handling (or at least not facing downrange to do it). Cross-draw is different, and can result in sweeping motions if not properly performed. The trick is to keep the muzzle pointed down after drawing, until the firearm can be raised while pointing downrange.AndyC wrote: 3. Drawing a (loaded or unloaded) firearm from a concealed holster on arrival at the bench without sweeping someone with the muzzle seems to be next-to-impossible for most. It's the most amateurish thing which I've seen time and again, and it disturbs me on a number of levels.
AndyC wrote: Obviously it's primarily from a safety aspect - but also for the fact that a CHL-holder should *know* better. Either they don't (so he's incompetent and therefore a very real danger to himself and others) - or they do know but because "I gots me a CHL", they're somehow elite and special and don't have to follow anybody else's rules; those are the ones who make my fingers clench.
If that's the way your range wants to handle the issue, I have no problem. The Bullet Trap, however, has stated that it is OK to unholster a concealed firearm at the shooting line, unload HP ammo, reload and shoot. When finished, you can reload the HP ammo, and reholster. They do NOT want you drawing and shooting. I have done this (drawing, unloading, reloading, shooting) many times and have never had a problem from either the RSOs, or the other shooters.AndyC wrote: Bottom line - if you have a CHL and get to the range, unload it and put it in a small gun-rug, range-bag or whatever before you get to the firing-line. It's safe, shows courtesy to the range rules and the other shooters - and it's professional. Don't be an amateur - don't be a dork.
Range Rule: "The front gate lock is not an acceptable target."
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
Ranges with movable targets have different protocols for safety. My post [and I believe AndyC's] was for outdoor ranges where a cease fire is called so that the shooters have to walk down-range to check and change out targets.
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Re: Conceal Carry when going to the Range?
I was confused at first, then figured you were thinking outdoors while I was thinking indoors. Don't disagree at all.WildBill wrote:Ranges with movable targets have different protocols for safety. My post [and I believe AndyC's] was for outdoor ranges where a cease fire is called so that the shooters have to walk down-range to check and change out targets.