5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray

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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by Ruark »

I just skimmed through this thread, but having done so, my curiosity is up as well. Houston PD even confused "Hardy" and "Harding" in their Twitter posts:
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by anygunanywhere »

We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.

At least that is the way its supposed to be.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by Ruark »

FWIW, there are NO addresses in the 7000's on any street or road containing the name "Hardy" in Harris County, according to the HCAD property search. It does look like this was a legitimate address. Very, very hard to believe this couple were black tar heroin dealers, though.

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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by WTR »

Ruark wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:27 pm FWIW, there are NO addresses in the 7000's on any street or road containing the name "Hardy" in Harris County, according to the HCAD property search. It does look like this was a legitimate address. Very, very hard to believe this couple were black tar heroin dealers, though.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by dlh »

The search warrant says "Harding" Street--not "Hardy."
The search warrant describes the house as white with a yellow trim if memory serves--that matches the house they busted into--not the house on Hardy.
We certainly need more information. The search warrant also mentions a 9 mm handgun---did not hear of law enforcement retrieving that.
I am certainly troubled by all of this but I will wait until we get more facts to form a final opinion.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by warnmar10 »

It's good they shot the dog else he would have wound up orphaned in a shelter.

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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by mbschne »

What is the purpose of the "no knock warrants"? I read the story below that a recent drug arrest was made in Galveston. There was no shooting or injuries and I assume both suspects were arrested without incident.

GALVESTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A man and a woman were charged after police say they found $25,000 of meth in their Galveston home.
Herbert Goeler, 22, and Payton Dominy, 19, were arrested when the Galveston County Sheriff's Office executed a search and arrest warrant. Deputies say 433 grams of methamphetamine was located in their bedroom. Deputies also found three loaded handguns and over $2,700 in cash. The street value of the methamphetamine was just over $25,000. Goeler and Dominy will face enhanced charges because the home was within 1,000 feet of a school.
Goeler and Dominy were charged with manufactory and delivery of a controlled substance in a school drug free zone. Goeler faces an addition charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

https://abc13.com/pair-arrested-for-$25 ... n/5114466/

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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by philip964 »

https://www.click2houston.com/news/hpd- ... p-comments

Police Chief says they raided the correct house.

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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by dlh »

I thought earlier it was mentioned the raid was not video-taped or that law enforcement was not wearing body-cams.
Now we get this from the article above:
He (Acevedo) said that body-worn camera footage has already started being reviewed.
I am so confused! :( :???:
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by Beiruty »

A lot forward and backward paddling by this Chief. He mispoke on the correct address many times. The informent said there was a 9mm handgun and many baggies, where are those baggies. In 2 weeks did the Narcotics division recorded or witness more drug transactions or traffics to said house? Where there any video surveillance? What is so called 2-weeks investigation is all about? sending in an informant to make a purchase? However, the informant provided in-accurate information about quantities of drugs.
Are those questioned cleared or not?
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by philip964 »

From the Channel 2 story:

"Acevedo reiterated the fact that the warrant was served at the correct house.

Acevedo said police received an anonymous call from a woman on Jan. 8, alleging her daughter was at the house. Acevedo said the caller claimed the home had both guns and heroin inside, alleging her daughter had been abusing heroin. A patrol officer responded to the call but did not see anyone outside the house, Acevedo said.

The patrol officer then contacted the woman who made the initial call. Acevedo said she reiterated her claim that heroin and guns were inside the home. The officer filed a report and notified HPD’s narcotics division, Acevedo said. The narcotics division launched its investigation, as outlined in a search warrant.

The warrant alleges a confidential informant was able to buy heroin from a man at the house on Jan. 27. Acevedo told reporters Thursday the substance was later tested and confirmed to be heroin. The raid occurred Jan. 28, although investigators did not recover any additional heroin from the home. Investigators uncovered a small amount of marijuana and a powdery substance, Acevedo said. "

So they are saying two people claim this house was selling heroin, the mom of the daughter who was on heroin and a confidential informant. And there were guns. I know nothing about buying drugs, but do you do it inside your house where you live and then you show them your guns and say here is my 9.

So does a confidential informant like go up to a specific house and knock on the door and say "hey have you got drugs I can buy."

I always assumed a small time dealer, which is what I assume they are saying this couple is would only sell to people they knew and people those people introduced them to who were "ok".

I still wonder why there was no "9" recovered and where was the cash. Did they take checks and credit cards?

Apparently now there is body camera footage.

I noticed the heroin test was performed in less than a day, since the buy was on the 27th and the raid including the warrant was the 28th. What about the white powder, wouldn't they be able to test it as quickly?

I wish we knew how they made their living. People are assuming they sold drugs to make ends meet. I am assuming they were both on social security disability.

Boy they even tweeted the wrong street.

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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by Ruark »

philip964 wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:46 pm https://www.click2houston.com/news/hpd- ... p-comments

Police Chief says they raided the correct house.
Wow, ol' Art has been putting on a few pounds.....
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by Odinvalknir »

mbschne wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 9:31 pm What is the purpose of the "no knock warrants"? I read the story below that a recent drug arrest was made in Galveston. There was no shooting or injuries and I assume both suspects were arrested without incident.

https://abc13.com/pair-arrested-for-$25 ... n/5114466/

Supposedly the purpose of a "no Knock" is to catch the people by surprise, so they don't have time to flush, hide or otherwise dispose of the illicit substance, or goods etc. The problem with this, especially in Texas and as many here have stated, if someone comes busting through my door without announcing POLICE or anything at all, and they knock down my door I'm going to assume they're there to do harm and I will come out shooting. I actually knew a guy years ago who sold large amounts of weed. The cops came to his "trap house" (apartment where he sold drugs) and kicked in his door. He thinking he was being robbed went for a shotgun nearby and was shot by officers. On top of the drug charges he also caught a attempted murder of a LEO. Obviously I'm not defending the guys actions of selling drugs, my thoughts on marijuana are liberal at best. Point is, I don't think an amount of illegal drugs large enough to gain notice of cops and issue a felony warrant with raid is easy enough to get rid of in the time between someone yelling POLICE OPEN UP while banging on the door, and then kicking it in after not getting an answer. I hope we really get the truth out of all this. I want to see the footage of them buying drugs from someone in front of the house, AND the body cam video before I stop questioning their actions. I don't trust acevedo, I don't like this police union guy and his draconian speeches, I respect police officers and I back them in their day to day tasks. I do however feel they need to be held to a higher standard, and think they get away with a lot of stuff that most people would be thrown into a dark hole for.
Last edited by Odinvalknir on Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


Post by Odinvalknir »

dlh wrote: Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:02 pm I thought earlier it was mentioned the raid was not video-taped or that law enforcement was not wearing body-cams.
Now we get this from the article above:
He (Acevedo) said that body-worn camera footage has already started being reviewed.
I am so confused! :( :???:
In most of the news stories the day after the raid took place he was quoted as saying "Our officers DO NOT wear body cams while conducting these raids" Which makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. I think cops ought to wear body cams from the time they clock in, and until they clock out. ESPECIALLY on these kind of raids, it would put to bed a lot if not all of the questions people are asking. Mainly the video of them buying heroin off someone that led to the warrant being issued.

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Re: 5 Officers Shot In Houston - Pray


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