Cutting off blood flow is strangulation.Grayling813 wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:16 pm Concerning biological markers for asphyxiation...are they the same markers if someone is not choked, ie cutting off oxygen as opposed to cutting off blood flow to the brain via compression of the carotid arteries?
George Floyd who died from drug overdose was from Texas
Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
I didn't personally check it out, but I read that he was complaining of having trouble breathing before he was removed from the police car.parabelum wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:27 pmCoronary failure is not really the same as cardiopulmonary arrest. Cause of death is LE subdual, restraint and neck compression (says not me but the county ME).Ruark wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:09 pmSorry, I don't see anything in that report that negates what I wrote. FWIW, the preliminary report, as is widely known, said "no physical evidence of strangulation or asphyxiation."parabelum wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:00 pmIncorrect Sir. Read the actual autopsy report from the county coroner above.Ruark wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:54 am There are very specific markers present at an autopsy when a person dies from asphyxiation, such as increase blood CO2, eye vascularity, etc. The county coroner found none of these. Floyd died from coronary failure, aggravated by the stress of being restrained and fentanyl intoxication. The "celebrity doctor" hired by the family ignored these findings and simply watched the video, and didn't even mention his toxicology. From what I can tell, this whole thing is yet another media-generated farce, just like Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, et. al. And now our cities are burning, while truth, as usual, fades into oblivion. What a freaking mess.
As far as fentanyl or meth, yep, present but ME cites those as “other significant findings” and not as cause of death.
As far as his heart issues, I bet 70%+ of folks on this very forum have the same disease and are still typing away...
Of course there’s no physical evidence of strangulation or asphyxiation. Nobody had their paws around his neck. Actually that’s even more troublesome as I believe he died very slowly and painfully.
I think if cops are gonna continue using this method, they should at least once experience (like a taser) what it feels like not to be able to expand your diaphragm while 180 pound or more individual has their knee pressing against the neck. Chill in that position for 5+ minutes then come back and tell us all about it.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
Its a legitimate responce to your question like it or not. Can you say any of those things didn't contribute to the final outcome.Killadocg23 wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:27 pmCome on. That sounds like a “liberal” leftist response. I asked a legit question and thats what you come up with? There are alot of what ifs but we are talking about a man placing his knee on somebodys neck. So let me guess Mr George should have died that day because he was a meth user or used a fake 20$(we dont even know if knew the money was illegitmate). Way to shy away from the question.cheezit wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:54 pmIf he wouldn't have handed off a fake $20, not been on meth and fentanyl would he also possibly be alive today?Killadocg23 wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:51 am So what I am gathering is the officer that had his knee on this gentlemens neck had nothing to do with his death is what some of you are saying? Quick question. If the officer didnt have his knee on his neck would you think Mr George would have died that day and still be alive to this day during that incident? Or he still would have died regardless?
Was the outcome far excessive, it seems to very much be but I'll let the court decide.
Sorry you think it a liberal statement, I thought most of Those people were out protesting in the streets.
I'm not much for criminal rights nor am I much for drunks and addicts either .
Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
I’ll add that I think that this forum has great member base and while we may disagree from time to time we are all 90% on the same page, which doesn’t make anyone here 10% my enemy. The day I feel that will be the day that I remove myself from here.
I hate that we are arguing on here, simple because the leftist love nothing more then to create a wedge.
I’m done posting on this topic.
I hate that we are arguing on here, simple because the leftist love nothing more then to create a wedge.
I’m done posting on this topic.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
I absolutely don't disagree with you.parabelum wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:39 pm I’ll add that I think that this forum has great member base and while we may disagree from time to time we are all 90% on the same page, which doesn’t make anyone here 10% my enemy. The day I feel that will be the day that I remove myself from here.
I hate that we are arguing on here, simple because the leftist love nothing more then to create a wedge.
I’m done posting on this topic.
I watched a lot of the king situation in 1992 up close and personal having grown up in L.A.
I have a feeling the protesting with /and violance will get worse with the trail.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
I got nothing on the hypotheticals you two are going on about but wanted to point out an observation. It may be a sign of the times when the absolute worse insult one man can hurl at another is to insinuate that they are acting like a Liberal Leftist. Them are some fighting words right there. BawaaahahahaKilladocg23 wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:27 pmCome on. That sounds like a “liberal” leftist response. I asked a legit question and thats what you come up with? There are alot of what ifs but we are talking about a man placing his knee on somebodys neck. So let me guess Mr George should have died that day because he was a meth user or used a fake 20$(we dont even know if knew the money was illegitmate). Way to shy away from the question.cheezit wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:54 pmIf he wouldn't have handed off a fake $20, not been on meth and fentanyl would he also possibly be alive today?Killadocg23 wrote: ↑Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:51 am So what I am gathering is the officer that had his knee on this gentlemens neck had nothing to do with his death is what some of you are saying? Quick question. If the officer didnt have his knee on his neck would you think Mr George would have died that day and still be alive to this day during that incident? Or he still would have died regardless?

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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas ... y/6230374/
George Floyd tested positive for Coronavirus.
Guess those four officers have one more thing to worry about.
George Floyd tested positive for Coronavirus.
Guess those four officers have one more thing to worry about.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
Yep. Now they gonna get the Covid.philip964 wrote: ↑Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:22 pm ... y/6230374/
George Floyd tested positive for Coronavirus.
Guess those four officers have one more thing to worry about.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
George Floyd full autopsy report released, available here: ... BD45A86D01 ... BD45A86D01
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” --Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
Joe Biden to attend his memorial service in Houston. That man would sell his soul for votes!
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
To me this will be Hillary‘s perfect opportunity.
Hey attending a funeral, isn’t that not allowed due to covid-19.
Or has something changed since the riots?
Biden was in his basement for 2 months.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
That rule was for the Jewish funeral. This is different.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
Protest scheduled for today in Katy they want people to social distance. Harris County "stay at home" order extended to. June 10, guess that doesn't apply to protesters.
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Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
Notice he had 11 ng of fentanyl in his system. The average lethal dose is 9 ng/ml. Thereaputic doses of fentanyl are .5 ng/ml. He also had Meth, marijuana, nicotine and caffeine in his system.Grayling813 wrote: ↑Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:14 am George Floyd full autopsy report released, available here: ... BD45A86D01
He didn’t deserve to die but everything is not all clean cut and dry as the media would like us to believe.
Edited to add
Not saying caffeine and nicotine are evil but having that many things in your system all at once is not good.
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"Wherever you go... There you are." - Buckaroo Banzai
"Inconceivable!" - Fizzinni
Re: Man who died from knee to neck was from Texas
Bringing up a post from over a week ago. First, as Daisy Cutter did, I want to be completely clear that I believe the death of George Floyd is unconscionable and the charge of 2nd degree murder against Chauvin is very much warranted. And like Daisy Cutter said, Floyd's past had zero bearing on the way in which he was killed.Daisy Cutter wrote: ↑Fri May 29, 2020 7:55 pm When this broke, I did a quick search of Harris Co criminal records, and a George Floyd, 46, 6'6"/ 250 lbs popped out, but I sat on it because I didn't have a middle name or DOB on the Milwaukee man. What piqued my interest was the "gentle-giant-father-of-two" and "starting a new life" narrative, which usually means they are laying the groundwork for bad news. He has used various aliases, including Floyd Perry, and two DOBs.
Well the Chicago Tribune has confirmed my suspicions. He's got a pretty decent record here (Houston), culminating in a 2007 home invasion of a residence where he was the gunman who stuck a pistol in the stomach of the lady of the house. Looking for drugs and money. He was also the driver. In their haste to leave, they left one of their proteges behind, who fled on foot. Neighbor got the license and they were picked up. ... story.html
Convictions, all from public record. Anyone can find this.
8-97 Drugs del. State Jail Felony
9-98 Theft from person (pled down from Agg. Robbery)
12-98 Theft.
8-01 Failure to ID fugitive. Class B Misd.
10-02 Possession State Jail Felony
1-03 Trespass. State Jail Felony
2-04 Del controlled substance. State Jail Felony
12-05 Possession/ Delivery. 2nd Deg Felony
11-07 Aggravated Robbery/ deadly weapon. Felony 1st Deg.
Discharged TDCJ 2013
I know that this doesn't justify excessive use of force on a suspect and I think the officers should be held accountable. I'm interested though in how the media have (almost) completely ignored his background. They must know. Its relevant because it speaks to his state of mind at the time of the arrest. If he had more counterfeit on him, in his vehicle, or at home, he would be facing prison again. Knowingly passing funny money is both a Federal and State felony.
I would want to know whether he was in his own car, and whether LE rolling up, had run a quick check on the plate and seen that owner was a violent felon, which would have put them into higher alert status. Also I'm curious why there is no video (shown) so far of how he ended up on the ground. Something set the officers off. Did he head-butt, bite, spit, or knee a groin? The fixed camera footage on the building next door could have shed some light on this.
Standing by for developments......
I also support the right of all the protesters around the country to respond. Note that I said protesters, not looters and rioters; them I have no tolerance for.
I also very much appreciate the memorials for Floyd that have been televised, and in particular the way that his brother has stepped up to condemn the violence being perpetrated in George's name.
What troubled me about some of those eulogies to Floyd, though--at the memorial services and some of the protests--is canonization in martyrdom. In many instances he's being painted as an absolute saint, the "gentle giant" who never had a disparaging word for anyone and who would open a window for a fly to leave the house rather than swatting it.
But the facts are the facts. This man was a felon. A violent felon, at that. At least two of his convictions involved his use of a firearm...though at least he never shot anyone with it. The actual time served isn't completely clear to me, but he served time on at least six instances (these just augment what Daisy Cutter already posted; it's unclear what sentences he may have served or been issued for his other offenses):
- 1998: 10 months, armed robbery (firearm)
- 2002: 8 months, possession (cocaine)
- 2003: 30 days, trespassing
- 2004: 10 months, delivery of a controlled substance (cocaine)
- 2005: 10 months, possession/delivery of a controlled substance (cocaine)
- 2009: 5 years, from 2007 armed home invasion; initial bail set at $50,000
Floyd moved to Minnesota after he got out of jail in 2014. By all accounts, he really did make an effort to turn a new leaf. Although there is a street- or store-cam video that purportedly shows Floyd discretely getting rid of a small plastic bag full of something white during that final Minneapolis arrest. Not embedding the YouTube video of it (no, the final moments aren't shown, and this view is from across the street from that): But George Floyd was no saintly man, and he wasn't a one-time offender. His death deserves outrage, but the means of death doesn't elevate him to sainthood. The eulogies and messages don't have to mention these elements of his past, but neither should they purposely, intentionally obfuscate what his past was really like.
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― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar
― Robert E. Howard, Swords of Shahrazar