NC: Police kill man fleeing in car

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NC: Police kill man fleeing in car


Post by philip964 » ... 59624.html

Serving a warrant. Protestors demand release of body cam footage.
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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by crazy2medic »

So the Police were fleeing in a car, they killed somebody?
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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by OneGun »

crazy2medic wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:47 am So the Police were fleeing in a car, they killed somebody?
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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by OneGun »

Has it occurred to anyone besides me that the common theme to all of these officer-involved shootings is that the suspect/criminal resists arrest, tries to flee, or engages the police officer in physical assault?? In other words, non-cooperate with the police officer?

Have read that there have been zero officer-involved deaths during an arrest when the suspect cooperates with the officer. Maybe we need to teach suspect-safety courses when interacting with the police.
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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by eyedoc »

OneGun wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:23 pm Has it occurred to anyone besides me that the common theme to all of these officer-involved shootings is that the suspect/criminal resists arrest, tries to flee, or engages the police officer in physical assault?? In other words, non-cooperate with the police officer?

Have read that there have been zero officer-involved deaths during an arrest when the suspect cooperates with the officer. Maybe we need to teach suspect-safety courses when interacting with the police.
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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by Grayling813 »

OneGun wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:23 pm Has it occurred to anyone besides me that the common theme to all of these officer-involved shootings is that the suspect/criminal resists arrest, tries to flee, or engages the police officer in physical assault?? In other words, non-cooperate with the police officer?

Have read that there have been zero officer-involved deaths during an arrest when the suspect cooperates with the officer. Maybe we need to teach suspect-safety courses when interacting with the police.
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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by Killadocg23 »

OneGun wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:23 pm Has it occurred to anyone besides me that the common theme to all of these officer-involved shootings is that the suspect/criminal resists arrest, tries to flee, or engages the police officer in physical assault?? In other words, non-cooperate with the police officer?

Have read that there have been zero officer-involved deaths during an arrest when the suspect cooperates with the officer. Maybe we need to teach suspect-safety courses when interacting with the police.
Ahhh Philando Castile would beg to differ with this opinion ,your last paragraph that is.

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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by chasfm11 »

Killadocg23 wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:42 pm
Ahhh Philando Castile would beg to differ with this opinion ,your last paragraph that is.
Please allow me to pile on with Attitiana Jefferson and Jerry Waller..

I don't understand police work. What i do understand is outcomes. Every time the police arrive for something like a welfare check or a burglar alarm and a citizen ends up dead, the investigation needs to be done by an outside, disinterested but knowledgeable party.
I get it - someone who has drug arrests and flees in a car. But shot to death? Yea, I also get it that high speed chases put lives in danger. I also get it that people don't want to go to jail again for a drug related violation and are going to do what they can to avoid it. Somehow killing them doesn't seem like the right answer.

I'm a strong supporter of the police. I went to a fundraiser today for our police department's citizen's group. But that doesn't mean that I have to blindly accept everything that every officer does. I need a lot more facts on this one. The body cam might help. The absence of the body cam is going to raise my suspicion level another notch.
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Re: NC: Police kill man while fleeing in car


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

While all of these cases involve suspects that are resisting arrest or attempting to flee, I do question the wisdom of them firing at a vehicle moving down the road. More because of the risk to innocent bystanders than a concern for the scum bag driving the vehicle.

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Re: NC: Police kill man fleeing in car


Post by philip964 »

Did this fix it, or are the police still the ones fleeing.

I don’t know exactly the rules of engagement for police.

Deadly force to prevent their death.

Deadly force to prevent the death of an innocent. ( now being criticized )

That’s all I am aware of.

Usually if an officer fires at a car, it’s because it’s being used as a deadly weapon.

So here I’m not sure of the reason the officers fired.

If it’s to stop him from getting away and preventing a dangerous car chase, then that may be another case where deadly force is allowed.
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