Frisco: CHL shooting

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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by Keith B »

This guy is going down. This is a really good example of making sure you know what you are getting into before you even think about trying to get in the middle of something, especially a domestic situation. As a LEO I saw too many times when the wife called the police, then when we went to arrest the husband she would turn on the officers on the scene.
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Not challenging the facts of her story, but the article interviewing the woman definitely has an agenda. She was not satisfied with the version of the story that had aired, and so she wanted to make sure that her version of the story was told. Near the end of the article, she says:
A lifelong conservative, Davis says the experience has changed her views, specifically those about handguns and concealed carry licenses.

“I do not believe people should be able to walk around with handguns and just be trusted that they’re going to abide by every rule, because that just wasn’t the case,” she said.
A) It's NBC, so no surprise.

B) That's what they close the article with, is her change of heart about CHL.

C) it's no longer a story about a shooting, but a swat at CHL.
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by Texas_Blaze »

Notice how nbc labeled her as a conservative, now she doesn't want anyone to have a firearm. Well by all means, that does it, no more firearms for anyone. so tired of this.
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by jmra »

Wanna bet he has a CHL badge
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by baldeagle »

Since he's been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, the police apparently felt the facts warranted the arrest. Either what happened isn't so cut and dried, or he was obviously in the wrong in the police's view. We'll have to keep an eye on this case to see what happens.
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by Lonest4r »

My wife's parents live less than a mile from this intersection. I will inquire if they heard any of the specifics.
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by tommyg »

IT is hard to say what happened I ddon't believe the news media and the woman has a slanted view of it
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by jmra »

tommyg wrote:IT is hard to say what happened I ddon't believe the news media and the woman has a slanted view of it
I pretty much don't trust anyone who chooses to air their dirty laundry out in public. With the little info we have, I can draw two early conclusions:
1. The shooter has been looking for a Batman opportunity ever since he got his CHL
2. The arguing man and woman deserve each other
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by Robert*PPS »

This is a strange story, and I don't think we've heard the true version of it yet. I don't think we will ever hear it, actually.
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

I'll be using this guy's troubles as a real world example why we must be very careful when getting involved with strangers or anyone else when we didn't see the events unfolding from the beginning. There are circumstances that clearly justify intervention, but many are not so clear.

I don't buy the girlfriend's story one bit. She claims they were driving and "bickering." This "bickering" apparently got so bad the boyfriend felt it was necessary to pull into a parking lot to continue the "bickering" without having to divide his attention between the fight and his driving. Then the vehicle was too confining to be able to continue the "bickering" effectively so they got out of the vehicle to continue this "bickering." Yeah, right. Her story isn't remotely believable.


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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by bdickens »

*sniff* *sniff*

You smell that?
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by Robert*PPS »

bdickens wrote:*sniff* *sniff*

You smell that?

I sure do....


Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by texanjoker »

Keith B wrote:This guy is going down. This is a really good example of making sure you know what you are getting into before you even think about trying to get in the middle of something, especially a domestic situation. As a LEO I saw too many times when the wife called the police, then when we went to arrest the husband she would turn on the officers on the scene.

I was going to post that myself... .after responding to literally hundreds of DV (domestic violence) calls story's change, and even IF they tell the truth about what happened at that time, their version often changes after the fact because they don't want their loved one to get into trouble. Dv's can turn violent real quick. This guy isn't going to know any of that. Many think a gun is the cure all for an incident. People often fail to follow instructions while at gun point. Some even charge you screaming for you to shoot them. You cannot always shoot them and the fight is on. Now you are fighting with a gun in your hand. Bad things can happen.

I will be curious to read his statement. While he may have had good intentions, as a CHL he had no legal authority to detain anybody and as they teach every leo trainee, there is always a minimum of one gun at a DV call, yours..... This goes back to what I always say in here - "Be a good witness"..

I wonder if this is a forum member? We read these threads but never know.

I saw the 2nd article posted and now the female is talking smack about people carrying guns. :smash:

Even if the grand jury clears him. He has posted bond meaning he probably lost 10%. He will have to pay attorney fees AND face a civil law suit...
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Re: Frisco: CHL shooting


Post by LAYGO »

I work REALLY close to this intersection. It's a fancy FANCY spot in Frisco. Homes in the area are 200-500+.

7197 Lebanon Rd, Frisco, TX 75034 ... 9&t=m&z=19" onclick=";return false;

Look at it on street view.
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