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MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:30 am
by jamisjockey
Suspect pulls gun on cop, cop returns fire. NSFW language in the video ... 002e0.html" onclick=";return false;
Complacency kills. Really looked like the officer was slightly complacent in dealing with the suspect. For him to have his gun out that quickly, he must of had his hands out of sight. The officer should have made sure he had his hands in plain sight, and was really lucky.
Lesson for the ChL holder? Watch the hands!
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:55 am
by Excaliber
jamisjockey wrote:Suspect pulls gun on cop, cop returns fire. NSFW language in the video ... 002e0.html" onclick=";return false;
Complacency kills. Really looked like the officer was slightly complacent in dealing with the suspect. For him to have his gun out that quickly, he must of had his hands out of sight.
The officer should have made sure he had his hands in plain sight, and was really lucky.
Lesson for the ChL holder? Watch the hands!
If officers ordered every motorist stopped for very minor vehicle and traffic offenses like this one to keep their hands in sight, there would be a sharp increase in complaints from the public and lots more stops that escalated into verbal and physical confrontations.
On the other hand, not doing so makes it possible for a stopped motorist who exhibits no other warning signs to initiate a surprise firearm attack on an officer. On every stop, each officer must be prepared to react instantaneously to deflect or evade an initial attack and change from courteous inquiry to using deadly force, as was the case here. This officer's outstanding performance in this regard clearly saved his life.
Each stop is different.
Each one involves a judgment call.
Each judgment call has to be right.
An officer only has to do this without making any significant errors a few thousand times during his career.
This is just one of the many joys of police work.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:04 am
by MoJo
"Hands Kill"
"In God I trust, everyone else show me your hands."
Two philosophies to live by or die because of.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:08 am
by A-R
Taking wagers on how long before the first sheeple start screaming publicly "why did he have to fire so many shots? he unloaded his weapon dangerously. that was completely unnecessary! He should be fired!"
I put the over/under at 24 hours from the moment that video hit the internet.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:40 am
by i8godzilla
More details in this article: ... 002e0.html" onclick=";return false;
After Davis’ vehicle stuck the power company’s building and came to a stop, Jessop loaded his rifle and got in his car and moved closer.
Ravalli County Attorney George Corn asked him why after he’d just been nearly killed did he move closer to his as-sailant.
"My duty as an officer is to make sure the community is safe," Jessop said. "I had no idea if I hit him or not. My thought was to get close enough to keep the area safe and keep myself safe."
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:46 am
by jamisjockey
Excaliber wrote:jamisjockey wrote:Suspect pulls gun on cop, cop returns fire. NSFW language in the video ... 002e0.html" onclick=";return false;
Complacency kills. Really looked like the officer was slightly complacent in dealing with the suspect. For him to have his gun out that quickly, he must of had his hands out of sight.
The officer should have made sure he had his hands in plain sight, and was really lucky.
Lesson for the ChL holder? Watch the hands!
If officers ordered every motorist stopped for very minor vehicle and traffic offenses like this one to keep their hands in sight, there would be a sharp increase in complaints from the public and lots more stops that escalated into verbal and physical confrontations.
On the other hand, not doing so makes it possible for a stopped motorist who exhibits no other warning signs to initiate a surprise firearm attack on an officer. On every stop, each officer must be prepared to react instantaneously to deflect or evade an initial attack and change from courteous inquiry to using deadly force, as was the case here. This officer's outstanding performance in this regard clearly saved his life.
Each stop is different.
Each one involves a judgment call.
Each judgment call has to be right.
An officer only has to do this without making any significant errors a few thousand times during his career.
This is just one of the many joys of police work.
Its a tough, tough job. I'm not belittling the officer in the least bit.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:37 pm
by chasfm11
The video is very telling. If that isn't a justified shooting by the officer, I'm not sure what would be. He really recovered quickly from a couple of potentially deadly mistakes. The slowed actions of the perp because of the alcohol may have contributed to saving the officer's life.
Also interesting are the comments by the readers and the dialogue among them. It is a grave reminder that people with those attitudes could be the ones on YOUR jury.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:15 pm
by dcphoto
austinrealtor wrote:Taking wagers on how long before the first sheeple start screaming publicly "why did he have to fire so many shots? he unloaded his weapon dangerously. that was completely unnecessary! He should be fired!"
I put the over/under at 24 hours from the moment that video hit the internet.
It happened in Montana. Pretty soon people will be commenting asking why he didn't reload and keep shooting.
Hamilton is *very* out of the way, even for Montana. This is probably the only time (at least in a long time) that a Hamilton Police officer has ever had to defend himself with deadly force.
This does illustrate how fast a situation can devolve into a self defense shooting. Very fast...
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:36 pm
by Mike1951
What saved this officer was the extra response time he had because of the initial misfire. Otherwise, this could have ended badly for the officer.
This perp failed to reload after previously shooting at least one round. Then, he had to open the cylinder and close it again with the empty positioned as the next round.
You just can't count on that kind of luck.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:39 pm
by connectme3504
Wow! Thats one lucky Cop. Glad he is OK.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:22 pm
by OldCurlyWolf
connectme3504 wrote:Wow! Thats one lucky Cop. Glad he is OK.
Very Lucky. He made an approach to the vehicle that was EXTREMELY SLOPPY. I hope his sergeant, lieutenant and captain all chewed him out severely for that bit of stupidity.

Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:48 pm
by BigGuy
OldCurlyWolf wrote:
Very Lucky. He made an approach to the vehicle that was EXTREMELY SLOPPY. I hope his sergeant, lieutenant and captain all chewed him out severely for that bit of stupidity.

My guess is nothing they can say will have the impact the incident did. Seems like a real learning experience.
Not being a trained officer, my opinion is certainly suspect. However he did seem somewhat complacent. Also, it looked to me as though he didn't respond after the first shock of seeing the gun. The pistol appears in the driver window, the offices utter an expletive and jumps back, but then stands there for several seconds until the first shot is fired.
Once he did go into battle mode though, he was clearly effective. I was surprised as the van continued to drive away. It looked to me as though he was dead on target with most of his rounds and I wouldn't think there would be much left of the driver's head.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:01 pm
by TXPPQ ... 002e0.html
This officer was EXTREMELY lucky. According to the report above the BG pulled the trigger on his revolver as he had it pointed towards the officers head, but it landed on a previously fired casing.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:29 pm
by 91wm6
It looked like he initially froze after seeing the revolver. Once he reacted though he did a great job laying down fast and accurate fire (obviously with good effect). As far as it being a "good shoot" I think he acted appropriately and should be commended for his actions.
Re: MT shooting video
Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:48 am
by Arride
A) I'm glad the officer's well.
B) He approached the vehicle and pointed the light away. Then as he saw something was going wrong he pointed the light at the window, swapped the light to his other hand and grabbed the pistol with his dominant hand. Smart move for the officer.
C) All traffic stops I've had I keep my hands on the wheel unless asked otherwise. All the police officers that have stopped me (2 total) have asked me to keep my hands visible. I didn't have a problem with it and honestly I'd do it willingly for their safety and my own. If the public did uproar about these situations, well, too bad.
D) After force was brought into it by the jerk in the SUV, the cop was fully justified in unloading that many rounds at the vehicle. People may say "well, did he really have to empty his weapon?". Well, he didn't want to get run over, he didn't want the guy to stop and shoot back, he didn't want to miss the chance to get the guy who just tried to murder him.