WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area

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WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area


Post by super8neon »

Plain and simple... I am looking for a 22 Pistol.

Want to Buy:
Walther P22
Sig Mosquito

Dallas/ Fort Worth Area

Let me know what you've got.

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Re: WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area


Post by newlife12176 »

Friend of mine bought one a few months ago brand new. he has had nothing but problems with it. (FTF, FTE) So he sent it back to SIg. They supposedly did some things to it (dont know what). He got it back last week and same problems over and over. There is much discussion online about that particular pistol having issues. I would recommend buying something else. Or do you want to buy my bro's pistol...I'm sure he will sell it to you!

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Re: WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area


Post by Big45Guy »

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Re: WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area


Post by super8neon »

newlife12176 wrote:Friend of mine bought one a few months ago brand new. he has had nothing but problems with it. (FTF, FTE) So he sent it back to SIg. They supposedly did some things to it (dont know what). He got it back last week and same problems over and over. There is much discussion online about that particular pistol having issues. I would recommend buying something else. Or do you want to buy my bro's pistol...I'm sure he will sell it to you!
I have fired a Walther... and it had several issues... but the owner openly admitted to not properly taking care and cleaning the gun as needed.
The 10 clip that I went through had no issues.

I have only handled the Mosquito in the store... and I love the feel and size.
I have yet to shoot one at the range.
Yes I have read all the FTF and FTE issues... and I am willing to deal with it.

I take it that your brother has a Mosquito... if he truly wants to sell it, then let me know how to get a hold of him and what he wants for it.

I am still in the market for the listed 22 Pistols... I'll post in the thread when I've given up the search.

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Re: WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area


Post by Big45Guy »

I have a sig misquito in as new condition I am in the dfw area

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Re: WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area


Post by goofygrin »

I've got a P22 (that I'm not selling) and it's been through thousands of rounds without any issue. I think it's been < 10 rounds that have FTF (never had any FTEs -- and the majority of FTFs have been from poor loading of the magazine by other people). This is with the cheapest ammo that I can find too :)

The gun tends to end up being the town floozie at the range too... everyone gets a turn. Many women have been introduced to shooting with my pistol as well.

It's not the most accurate thing though (compared to other 22lr's).

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Re: WTB: Walther P22/ Sig Mosquito *DFW Area


Post by particle »

I bought my wife a pink mosquito - I've fired hundreds of rounds through it with maybe 5 FTF/FTE - I honestly don't remember because it shot so well, and had never been fired / broken in. It shoots fantastic for me. I let some young boys shoot it, and they had CONSTANT FTE's. I would take the gun back from them, and could run a full magazine with 100% reliability. Gave it back to them, more FTE. Once I told them to lock their wrists and firm up their grip (didn't think I needed to tell them this since they shoot their mom's Glocks all the time), they were squeezing off entire magazines in rapid-fire with no problems.

Bottom line, I think the majority of complaints with the mosquito are from poor ammunition (it's recommended to shoot mini mags), and improper grip (for that particular gun, at least). I was able to keep all my shots within about 2" at 10 yards, and I'm not a very good shot.
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