1. ~225 45 ACP FMjs and ~50 JHPs - Looking $140 for the lot

2. 1911 Wilson Combat 8 and 10 rd mags -SOLD!
3. TTgunleather 1911 Holster - $100 OBO

4. I have gcode Holsters and attachments for XDM 9/40/45 (i am not sure if it will fit a regular xd). These holsters have an 8 week lead time brand new. Mine have only been used a hand full of times.
- OSH Holster (black one) - $35
- XST RTI Holster (tan one) - $45
- belt slide (fits 1.5)- $35
- RTI Duty (tan attachemnt fits 1.75) - $40

Contact: 832-4nine9-two376 and my name is Bryan.
I can ship, but at your expense. I accept paypal, MO, or check. For paypal, gift or pay fees.