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WTB Ruger Mini 14

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:41 pm
by 02transam
in either nw houston or se(pasadena area). thanks. just to let sellers know i will not be home till sept as i am currently deployed.

Re: WTB Ruger Mini 14

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:55 pm
by TraCoun
02transam wrote:in either nw houston or se(pasadena area). thanks. just to let sellers know i will not be home till sept as i am currently deployed.
PM sent


Re: WTB Ruger Mini 14

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 3:27 pm
by AEA
Just a note of caution.......

The Ruger Mini 14 has a well documented history of very poor accuracy.
I agree that the gun is nice looking, unfortunately there is some type of problem with the barrel and there are more reports of terrible accuracy than you can imagine!

My opinion is that you would be better served with some type of AR variant.

Thanks for your service and welcome back home! :patriot:

Re: WTB Ruger Mini 14

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 8:06 pm
by raccol
If you're set on a Mini, older Minis with the .562 barrel aren't very accurate past the second or third shot. The new Minis with the larger .77 tapered to .625 barrels are getting about 1.5-2 MOA (about $650 new). The target model can get 1-1.5 MOA (about $750). Same or better is possible for earlier Minis that steps have been taken to improve barrel harmonics (shorter barrel, adding a flash hider, retorquing the gas block, adding Accu-strut, etc). A good trigger job and bedding help considerably as well.

Other things to consider. The Mini is a solid platform and fun to shoot but you can't modify/customize it like you can the AR. Changing the stock, hard guard (with Ulimak or similar rail), and adding flash hider are about the extent of the changes that can be made and options are very limited. Good Mini mags are expensive when you can find them.

If plinking or the occasional coyote (or the like) shot on a ranch is the priority, a used Mini for around $400 fits the bill nicely. If multiple-shot accuracy is a priority, then you're approaching AR cost to achieve the same results. If you factor in the cost of several mags, a used AR for around $750 may be a better investment in the long run.

Re: WTB Ruger Mini 14

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:11 pm
by 308nato
I have been plinking with a mini-14 an older model and have not had any problems with
accuracy even tho I dont have a scope on it just the iron sites ,just lucky I guess.

Re: WTB Ruger Mini 14

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:29 pm
by drw
I have an old mini 14 that I bought at a gun show last year. We've fired it (including many high rate mag dumps) and have never had any accuracy issues, either. No scope and shooting at about 100 yards. Just lucky here, too, I guess!! :cheers2:

Re: WTB Ruger Mini 14

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:26 am
by carlson1

No problems with mine. I am glad. I have had enough guns not work out this last year.