Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.

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Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by TacShot »

I am a Life Member of the Texas State Rifle Association. Our TSRA lobbyist is using the Bully Pulpit of our magazine, "The TSRA Sportsman," to push the candidacy of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in his bid to win the U.S. Senate seat. Cover photos and references to "Friendly David Dewhurst," in Alice Tripp's column, do not persuade me. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a moderate. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who is known for compromise. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who distorts the truth about an opponent in an attempt to dupe the public into voting for him. I do not wish to trust my Second Amendment rights to a man who openly denies the truth when faced with the facts in a televised debate. These are large issues of character, that I cannot overlook.

I am willing to trust my Second Amendment rights to a grass root conservative, whom I believe understands, has fought for, and will continue uphold, the Constitution. I will vote for Ted Cruz and pray that you will also.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by chasfm11 »

TacShot wrote:I am a Life Member of the Texas State Rifle Association. Our TSRA lobbyist is using the Bully Pulpit of our magazine, "The TSRA Sportsman," to push the candidacy of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in his bid to win the U.S. Senate seat. Cover photos and references to "Friendly David Dewhurst," in Alice Tripp's column, do not persuade me. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a moderate. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who is known for compromise. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who distorts the truth about an opponent in an attempt to dupe the public into voting for him. I do not wish to trust my Second Amendment rights to a man who openly denies the truth when faced with the facts in a televised debate. These are large issues of character, that I cannot overlook.

I am willing to trust my Second Amendment rights to a grass root conservative, whom I believe understands, has fought for, and will continue uphold, the Constitution. I will vote for Ted Cruz and pray that you will also.
:iagree: Today, Rick Perry was on TV saying that Lt. Gov. Dewhurst is the best person to send to Washington to help repeal Obamacare. Dewhurst has refused to sign the pledge to do that. So exactly how committed is he? Based on his involvement last year in the TSA bill for Texas, his "moderate" leanings are all too clear. When I see a pattern like this from a candidate, I'm not going to trust my 2nd amendment to them either.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Heartland Patriot »

I, too, will vote for Ted Cruz. Yes, I have made public statements that I will vote for Mitt Romney...but that is because he is the lesser of the evils when compared to the man now in the White House. However, for Senator, I will vote for the better of the candidates, as far as I can tell.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

TacShot wrote:I am a Life Member of the Texas State Rifle Association. Our TSRA lobbyist is using the Bully Pulpit of our magazine, "The TSRA Sportsman," to push the candidacy of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in his bid to win the U.S. Senate seat. Cover photos and references to "Friendly David Dewhurst," in Alice Tripp's column, do not persuade me. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a moderate. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who is known for compromise. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who distorts the truth about an opponent in an attempt to dupe the public into voting for him. I do not wish to trust my Second Amendment rights to a man who openly denies the truth when faced with the facts in a televised debate. These are large issues of character, that I cannot overlook.

I am willing to trust my Second Amendment rights to a grass root conservative, whom I believe understands, has fought for, and will continue uphold, the Constitution. I will vote for Ted Cruz and pray that you will also.
You have no idea what Dewhurst has done to make sure pro-gun legislation got votes in the Senate. If you want to support Cruz, then do so, but don't demean what the Lt. Governor has done for Texas gun owners.

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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by TacShot »

Thank you, Charles. Please be sure, I never had any intention to demean what Dewhurst has done for Texas gun owners. That's all well and good. However, my problem is mainly the integrity issue during this campaign.
"There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide." The Monument Builders, Ayn Rand (1962)

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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Bullwhip »

Dewhurts has been sending me email spam for years, I don't' think I ever wrote him about anything but I still get his campaign stuff 1-2 x a week.

That makes me not like him right off the bat.

What he did or din't do for Texas CHLs in Texas is no reason to vote for or against him for Sentate. Not the same job. U.S. Sentate isn't about state gun rights.

I don't like Cruz either, don't trust a goldman sacks lawyer or his wife. My guy din't make it through the primary, I'll probably stay home for the run off.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by OldCannon »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
TacShot wrote:I am a Life Member of the Texas State Rifle Association. Our TSRA lobbyist is using the Bully Pulpit of our magazine, "The TSRA Sportsman," to push the candidacy of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in his bid to win the U.S. Senate seat. Cover photos and references to "Friendly David Dewhurst," in Alice Tripp's column, do not persuade me. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a moderate. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who is known for compromise. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who distorts the truth about an opponent in an attempt to dupe the public into voting for him. I do not wish to trust my Second Amendment rights to a man who openly denies the truth when faced with the facts in a televised debate. These are large issues of character, that I cannot overlook.

I am willing to trust my Second Amendment rights to a grass root conservative, whom I believe understands, has fought for, and will continue uphold, the Constitution. I will vote for Ted Cruz and pray that you will also.
You have no idea what Dewhurst has done to make sure pro-gun legislation got votes in the Senate. If you want to support Cruz, then do so, but don't demean what the Lt. Governor has done for Texas gun owners.

Charles, I'm on the fence between the two. I think it's not very fair to voters like us to say we have no idea, when that's exactly the problem. Alice's column wasn't convincing, so can you color in the gap between Alice's statements and yours, so that we can exit from the "have no idea" void? Just seems like if a guy like you likes him for what he's done, we should know how sincere he is about supporting the issues that are important to this community.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Rex B »

I always look at TSRA and NRA recommendations, in that order. They carry weight with me, but I'm not a single-issue voter. My priority is fidelity to conservative values, and having the spine to speak up when those values are trampled. I decided Cruz was my guy long ago, and nothing has changed that.

I appreciate what Dewhurst has done for Texas gun owners. God bless him.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

OldCannon wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
TacShot wrote:I am a Life Member of the Texas State Rifle Association. Our TSRA lobbyist is using the Bully Pulpit of our magazine, "The TSRA Sportsman," to push the candidacy of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in his bid to win the U.S. Senate seat. Cover photos and references to "Friendly David Dewhurst," in Alice Tripp's column, do not persuade me. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a moderate. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who is known for compromise. I do not wish to trust my precious Second Amendment rights to a man who distorts the truth about an opponent in an attempt to dupe the public into voting for him. I do not wish to trust my Second Amendment rights to a man who openly denies the truth when faced with the facts in a televised debate. These are large issues of character, that I cannot overlook.

I am willing to trust my Second Amendment rights to a grass root conservative, whom I believe understands, has fought for, and will continue uphold, the Constitution. I will vote for Ted Cruz and pray that you will also.
You have no idea what Dewhurst has done to make sure pro-gun legislation got votes in the Senate. If you want to support Cruz, then do so, but don't demean what the Lt. Governor has done for Texas gun owners.

Charles, I'm on the fence between the two. I think it's not very fair to voters like us to say we have no idea, when that's exactly the problem. Alice's column wasn't convincing, so can you color in the gap between Alice's statements and yours, so that we can exit from the "have no idea" void? Just seems like if a guy like you likes him for what he's done, we should know how sincere he is about supporting the issues that are important to this community.
I understand and respect your opinion. Please note that I didn't start a thread saying "vote for Dewhurst, but I can't tell you why." I was responding to the OP who stated he wouldn't trust Dewhurst with his Second Amendment rights.

I can't give specifics if we want to continue to be successful. I'll say this much, the Lt. Gov. is the most powerful person in Austin. Not only can he block bills from getting to the Senate floor, he can help get a bill to the floor when it would otherwise die on the "regular" calendar.

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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Streaker »

Bullwhip wrote:Dewhurts has been sending me email spam for years, I don't' think I ever wrote him about anything but I still get his campaign stuff 1-2 x a week.

That makes me not like him right off the bat.

What he did or din't do for Texas CHLs in Texas is no reason to vote for or against him for Sentate. Not the same job. U.S. Sentate isn't about state gun rights.

I don't like Cruz either, don't trust a goldman sacks lawyer or his wife. My guy din't make it through the primary, I'll probably stay home for the run off.
Staying home in the runoff is just as bad as those who say they'll do the same in November because their guy isn't in the running. To quote Haley Barbour, "Purity in politics is a loser. Unity in politics is a winner". Our entire system was built on the spirit of compromise, not taking our toys and going home when things weren't perfect.

I am not concerned for the safety of our gun laws with either candidate. I am concerned with sending another "good ol' boy" to Washington to occupy our Senate seat. I believe if Dewhurst had kept quiet during the primary, he would be the G.O.P. nominee right now. Instead, he got scared and chose to go negative in a false and misleading attack on Ted Cruz. For that reason he will probably not be the new Senator from Texas. I will be voting for Ted Cruz in an attempt to send at least one true conservative to Washington who will do everything possible to overturn the cancer of Obama.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by saltydog452 »

Just based on the election campaign adverts that was 'I approve of this message' by Mr. dewhurst, I wouldn't vote for the guy in any electorial election. To take it an additional step, it'd be unlikely that I'd support any candidate that supported Mr. dewhurst.

Maybe he is a decent candidate, but his campaign manager seems to be asleep at the wheel, doing 90 mph, down a dead end road, at night, with the lights off.

If he (dewhurst) has any positive qualities, we haven't seen them.

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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by baldeagle »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:You have no idea what Dewhurst has done to make sure pro-gun legislation got votes in the Senate. If you want to support Cruz, then do so, but don't demean what the Lt. Governor has done for Texas gun owners.

Charles, with all due respect, I monitored the last legislative session closely. When the Campus Carry bill came out of committee, Dewhurst did absolutely nothing to get it to the floor of the Senate. This allowed the opposition time to marshall their troops and defeat a bill that has passed that very same Senate just two years ago. I was very disappointed with his behavior, and there is no way I could support him. (And please don't tell me he didn't have the power to get that bill to the floor whenever he chose to. He chose not to push it, for whatever reason, and I can't forgive him for that.)
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Heartland Patriot »

baldeagle wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:You have no idea what Dewhurst has done to make sure pro-gun legislation got votes in the Senate. If you want to support Cruz, then do so, but don't demean what the Lt. Governor has done for Texas gun owners.

Charles, with all due respect, I monitored the last legislative session closely. When the Campus Carry bill came out of committee, Dewhurst did absolutely nothing to get it to the floor of the Senate. This allowed the opposition time to marshall their troops and defeat a bill that has passed that very same Senate just two years ago. I was very disappointed with his behavior, and there is no way I could support him. (And please don't tell me he didn't have the power to get that bill to the floor whenever he chose to. He chose not to push it, for whatever reason, and I can't forgive him for that.)
I guess that is what upset me, as well. That Campus Carry went down like it did. I wasn't there, I don't know the details of what happened, obviously. However, it seemed as if a few folks "on our side" decided that it was a live wire with some of their backers and they didn't want to support it...despite all the other pro-firearms stuff they may have supported in the past. So, "the word" went out and things went badly. Yes, in the grand scheme of things, a few hundred folks carrying on college campuses isn't really that big of a deal compared to a whole lot of other things, I get that...but its the PRINCIPAL of the matter. Its kicking the left where it hurts most, in their "academic heart". And them people NEED a good, swift kick, rhetorically speaking.

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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Hoosier Daddy »

Heartland Patriot wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:You have no idea what Dewhurst has done to make sure pro-gun legislation got votes in the Senate. If you want to support Cruz, then do so, but don't demean what the Lt. Governor has done for Texas gun owners.

Charles, with all due respect, I monitored the last legislative session closely. When the Campus Carry bill came out of committee, Dewhurst did absolutely nothing to get it to the floor of the Senate. This allowed the opposition time to marshall their troops and defeat a bill that has passed that very same Senate just two years ago. I was very disappointed with his behavior, and there is no way I could support him. (And please don't tell me he didn't have the power to get that bill to the floor whenever he chose to. He chose not to push it, for whatever reason, and I can't forgive him for that.)
I guess that is what upset me, as well. That Campus Carry went down like it did. I wasn't there, I don't know the details of what happened, obviously. However, it seemed as if a few folks "on our side" decided that it was a live wire with some of their backers and they didn't want to support it...despite all the other pro-firearms stuff they may have supported in the past. So, "the word" went out and things went badly. Yes, in the grand scheme of things, a few hundred folks carrying on college campuses isn't really that big of a deal compared to a whole lot of other things, I get that...but its the PRINCIPAL of the matter. Its kicking the left where it hurts most, in their "academic heart". And them people NEED a good, swift kick, rhetorically speaking.
In that case, maybe Texas needs a different Lt.Gov and sending him to US Senate would accomplish that.
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Re: Sorry TSRA, No Dewhurst for me.


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

baldeagle wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:You have no idea what Dewhurst has done to make sure pro-gun legislation got votes in the Senate. If you want to support Cruz, then do so, but don't demean what the Lt. Governor has done for Texas gun owners.

Charles, with all due respect, I monitored the last legislative session closely. When the Campus Carry bill came out of committee, Dewhurst did absolutely nothing to get it to the floor of the Senate. This allowed the opposition time to marshall their troops and defeat a bill that has passed that very same Senate just two years ago. I was very disappointed with his behavior, and there is no way I could support him. (And please don't tell me he didn't have the power to get that bill to the floor whenever he chose to. He chose not to push it, for whatever reason, and I can't forgive him for that.)
I'm not sure what legislature you were monitoring, but it wasn't the Texas Legislature. The House version (Rep. Driver) HB750 died in the House Calendar's Committee so it never got to the Senate. Sen. Wentworth's SB354 was reported out of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on April 5th and it was set on the Senate Intent Calendar the very next day (April 6th)! On April 7th, Sen. Wentworth moved to suspend the regular order of business so SB354 could be voted, but it was withdrawn when one of the Senator's who said they would vote with him stabbed Sen. Wentworth in the back. From then on, Sen. Wentworth tried to put together 21 votes to bring it up again and he couldn't do it. He finally called for a vote again on May 20th and again he fell short of the needed 21 votes. Lt. Gov. Dewhurst most certainly did do everything he could; he allowed it to come up twice and would have allowed it to come up even more, but Sen. Wentworth didn't request it because that's not how you try to get 21 votes.


Here's the proof: ... Bill=SB354" onclick=";return false;
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