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4" revolver carry

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:32 pm
by y5e06
All, Can anyone suggest details on carrying a 4" revolver either IWB or OWB? I have a dan wesson 15 .357 and soon to be S&W 64 .38, both 4". I did my first IDPA yesterday and my holster was inadaquete and did not comply with the rules. I'd like to do IDPA every now and again and as such will be using a 4" revolver. I'd also like to CC if I ever choose.
I figure IWB would be best as I don't want to wear shirts that are excessivly long. Also figured 4 o'clock position would b best. There is a local fellow that makes good, inexpensive custom holsters so I can get a great fit. I'm 6'4" ~250lbs so I might be able to fit a 4" wheelie better than most. If the holster fits, I could slide in my Taurus 66 3" .357 as well.

Any suggestions on cant, ride height, mount features etc? I would think it would be more comfortable of the cylinder rode just above the belt line. But what do I know? I've never CC'ed before.....
suggestions & comments?

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:54 pm
by MoJo
A holster with an FBI cant will help keep the grip close to your body. Placing the cylinder above the belt is going to make your grip very high and make drawing the gun difficult. if you are going to have a custom holster made be sure to include a sweat shield. I'm a OWB kind of guy I have never found an IWB that I could warm up to but, the same suggestions apply to both types of holsters.

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:37 pm
by CompVest
I have a BladeTech for my S&W Model 66. I have carried in this holster and I made Expert SSR in IDPA and competed with this set up.

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:21 pm
by JoeB
I am very happy with my Galco high ride, leather CC holster. I have a Ruger Security six with a 4" barrel. (Much the same as the S@W model 66). If you can find one, the original Roy Baker pancake holster is about the best option for CC with larger revolvers.

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:02 am
by Afff_667
Check out Simply Rugged, They have a pretty good reputation, and I believe the web site makes reference to the original Roy Baker design for some of their products.

I am planning to order a couple of them very for a .38 Sp J-Frame and another for a yet-to-be purchased .357.

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:20 am
by Oldgringo
I have an old model S&W 64 w/ 4" pencil barrel (what a pleasure :fire and a beauty it is) and am also interested in OWB holster ideas.

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:05 pm
by JoeB
I also carry a 4" revolver for CC. Ruger Security Six, 357 Mag. I have a Glaco leather holster that is great but given a choice (If you can find one) I don't think there is anything better for CC than the original Roy Baker Pancake holster.
4" Security Six in an Original Roy Baker:
4" Security Six in an Original Roy Baker:

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:58 pm
by Oldgringo
JoeB wrote:I also carry a 4" revolver for CC. Ruger Security Six, 357 Mag. I have a Glaco leather holster that is great but given a choice (If you can find one) I don't think there is anything better for CC than the original Roy Baker Pancake holster.

That sure looks like my S&W Mod. 64 in that picture?

Re: 4" revolver carry

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:14 am
by barres
I carry a Ruger GP100 4" on occasion. I do so in an OWB holster made by R Grizzle Leather. It works very well for me, but I outweigh you, even though you're half a foot taller.

Here are some pictures of Ryan's work.

