When there is a "CALL TO ACTION", Does it matter???

This forum will contain all calls-to-action for the 2013 Texas Legislative Session. It is not for general discussion so please post in another forum, however questions about calls-to-action are appropriate for this forum.

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When there is a "CALL TO ACTION", Does it matter???


Post by Moby »


I just received a call from Senator Jim Pitts office.
In fact I was on the phone when the call first came in and took it the second time they tried to reach me.

I spoke with Tiffany, the Senators legal analyst. She said she received my email and got my voice mail and later found my letter.
I guess when you make enough noise they know you'll vote and influence others.

She asked me about other concerns on gun rights and I told her. She did not rush me and we had a great conversation.
She graduated from Baylor Law school.

So yes....it matters and it works!!!!
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Re: When there is a "CALL TO ACTION", Does it matter???


Post by RoyGBiv »

:hurry: :hurry:

I mostly receive polite form letters in return.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: When there is a "CALL TO ACTION", Does it matter???



Thanks for the info Moby, at least we know it's working..
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Re: When there is a "CALL TO ACTION", Does it matter???


Post by styxx »

Yesterday I called my reps and all the members of the jurisprudence committee supporting HB508. I had to leave messages at two of the committee members and one of my reps (Phil King). I left all my info and my position and stated that no return call was necessary, so none was. Despite that, I got a return call from Phil King's office and had a very pleasent 15 minute discussion with a nice young lady who took more fedback from me on not only HB508, but also other bills - especially HB700 and HB3218.
It is important to note that I also had a pleasent discussion with a young lady in Lon Burnam's office. It never hurts to spend time in rational conversation with the opposition. :patriot:
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Re: When there is a "CALL TO ACTION", Does it matter???


Post by styxx »

When the time is right we will receive a call to action on HB 3218. I am ready to respectfully but strongly support HB 3218. I have both the phone mnumbers and e-mails of all of the Homeland Security Committee members as well as those of the reps based on where I live. I intend to both call and e-mail each of the committee members and my personal reps. When the time is right, I sincerely hope everyone in favor of 3218 literally overflows the phone systems and e-mail buckets of the committee members.
Your calls and e-mails DO matter. If we do not stand up to be counted we can only blame ourselves when opportunities slip away.
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Re: When there is a "CALL TO ACTION", Does it matter???



styxx wrote:When the time is right we will receive a call to action on HB 3218. I am ready to respectfully but strongly support HB 3218. I have both the phone mnumbers and e-mails of all of the Homeland Security Committee members as well as those of the reps based on where I live. I intend to both call and e-mail each of the committee members and my personal reps. When the time is right, I sincerely hope everyone in favor of 3218 literally overflows the phone systems and e-mail buckets of the committee members.
Your calls and e-mails DO matter. If we do not stand up to be counted we can only blame ourselves when opportunities slip away.
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