3rd Annual Defensive Pistol Clinic - Fundraiser for American Cancer Society (19 March)

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Mike S
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3rd Annual Defensive Pistol Clinic - Fundraiser for American Cancer Society (19 March)


Post by Mike S »

WHO: Anyone with a pistol & a desire to learn (must already have baseline safe handling skills, everything else will be covered)

WHAT: A defensive pistol clinic, progressing from slow, aimed fire to controlled pairs & flash sight picture drills on multiple targets; malfunction & reloading techniques; & target discrimination (shoot - no shoot) drills. Day culminates with a friendly shoot-off for a prize table (winner takes all). Bring your own pistol with at least 200 rounds, a holster, & eyes/ear pro. Bring a lunch, or grab something in downtown Dripping Springs.

WHEN: March 19th, 2016. Show time is 08:45 at the classroom; expect rounds complete at the range around 5:00 P.M.

WHERE: Dripping Springs, TX & Wimberley, TX. Classroom portion is at the Saddletree Ranch Clubhouse 100 Saddletree Lane, Dripping Springs; just off of Ranch Rd 12); directions to private range will be provided at the classroom.

WHY: To raise money for the Dripping Springs Relay for Life, which is part of the American Cancer Society's annual fundraising event. All the money raised goes straight to the American Cancer Society.

HOW TO REGISTER: Go to http://www.coldboretact.com & look for the 3rd Annual Team Finley's Warriors Defensive Pistol Clinic tab on the left side. Follow the instructions to make your $75 donation to Team Finley's Warriors, & make sure you click the box to send the Team Captain a message that includes your email (my wife is compiling the names & emails so I'll know who to expect). I'll be sending out the Welcome Letters with a strip map to your email, so please make sure it's correct.
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Re: 3rd Annual Defensive Pistol Clinic - Fundraiser for American Cancer Society (19 March)


Post by carlson1 »

Event has ended. OP requested topic closed.

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