Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by nitrogen »

We should have attached Open Carry and Campus carry to an anti-abortion bill. We can get THOSE passed pretty reliably.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by ScooterSissy »

Taypo wrote:
ScooterSissy wrote:
Taypo wrote:Personally, I'm more disappointed in the process than I am in the individual bills. The legislature seems to be a joke right now.

I flip flop on the merits of OC, but I'm in total agreement that campus carry should be available. I also think 30.06 needs to be reexamined to determine some form of requirements for posting. Being uncomfortable with guns shouldn't give a location the ability to deny a right.
I'm a little lost on the last one. If you're talking about a government facility, I agree; but they aren't permitted to do so now by law, some cities/counties just do it in spite of the law. If you're talking about private businesses, I have to disagree. They should be permitted to disallow guns for any reason they choose. I'm a big believer in 2A rights, but I'm also a believer in property rights. I'll let them know my displeasure by using my wallet.
OK, let's take this to an extreme for argument's sake, shall we? If a movie theater/restaurant/convention center posted a sign out front that said "No Whites allowed," do you think that would fly? How about "No Christians?"

If you honestly believe 2A grants everyone the power to carry, then how is it different than racial/religious/orientation discrimination?

Please do keep in mind that I'm very much middle of the road on this, but I'm curious to see where the line is for folks.
You may not like my answers (they've made me unpopular in a number of conversations)

First, the legal reasons - Race and Religion are protected classes. Carrying a firearm is not (nor is deciding not to wear shoes, or a shirt, see more on that in a moment).
That said, legal reasoning aside - I think providing protected classes in situations like this is a mistake, unless those being discriminated against can show that there are no other publicly available similar facilities available. That's right, I believe that a business owner should be able to put up a "no whites" or "no Christians", I say let them; and then let their customers decide what they want to do with that information. I can almost bet you that a business will open up across the street (or near by) that will allow those groups being discriminated against. The more open business will prosper.

However, the comparison isn't totally valid, since as I said, race and religion are protected classes. Gun carrying is not (nor do I think it should be). A more accurate comparison would be "no shirt, no shoes, no service" signs. It is my right to decide to not wear shoes or a shirt. It's also a right for a business to refuse to let me in if they don't like that. Both are as things should be (in my opinion).

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by Taypo »

Thanks for the elaboration
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by anygunanywhere »

nitrogen wrote:We should have attached Open Carry and Campus carry to an anti-abortion bill. We can get THOSE passed pretty reliably.
As they should be.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by Taypo »

anygunanywhere wrote:
nitrogen wrote:We should have attached Open Carry and Campus carry to an anti-abortion bill. We can get THOSE passed pretty reliably.
As they should be.
Neither the thread nor the forum for this.

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by Kkpsiknl »

Taypo wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
nitrogen wrote:We should have attached Open Carry and Campus carry to an anti-abortion bill. We can get THOSE passed pretty reliably.
As they should be.
Neither the thread nor the forum for this.
I'll plus 1 that. :iagree:
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by LSUTiger »

Bladed wrote:
LSUTiger wrote:Looks like because of campus carry attached to OC, we won't get OC. At this point I just wish they'd have left OC alone and maybe it would have went through. If campus carry and unrestricted carry were supported it they could have made it on their own.

I personally think that campus carry and unrestricted carry didn't have a chance for whatever reason since the beginning that's why the focus was on OC because it had a chance of passing, not because less effort was given to other things. No reason we should not have been able to get it all, but I digress.

So IMHO whoever attached campus carry to OC to end run the system just did as much damage to OC as OCT, all or nothing means we will likely end up with nothing. So if we want to lament over not having campus carry or unrestricted carry we can rejoice because looks like we won't have open carry either (and it was likely killed by campus carry, yeah!-sarcasm).
Nobody has attached campus carry to open carry. The current holdup of open carry has nothing to do with campus carry.
A-R wrote:

A deal between Texas House and Senate members has revived legislation that would allow concealed handguns to be carried into university classrooms, dorms and buildings.
After passing quickly through the Senate, legislation allowing “campus carry” has been bottled up for the past month in the House, raising questions about its viability with only three full weeks remaining in the legislative session.
Apparently out of options in the House, state Rep. Allen Fletcher, R-Cypress, turned to the Senate, where he said he worked out a deal to have campus carry legislation grafted onto another gun bill as an amendment. The move would allow the new combination bill to return to the House, where approval by the Republican majority is expected.
“If I can get the Senate to send it back over this way, we’ll wrap it up and call it a session,” Fletcher said Wednesday. “It’ll save a lot of time and effort and debate.”
The first step of the plan took place Wednesday evening when Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick referred House Bill 910, allowing those with a concealed handgun license to openly carry a holstered firearm, to the Senate State Affairs Committee, where it must receive a public hearing and a vote before heading to the full Senate.
Fletcher’s campus carry legislation, House Bill 937, has been sitting without action for the past four weeks in the House Calendars Committee, which decides which legislation goes to the floor for a vote. Campus carry language will be added to HB 910 before it leaves the Senate, Fletcher said ... 263.735724" onclick=";return false;
Are you sure? Then what does the hold up have to do with? First we hear, relax all is well, then we hear never mind. TSRA keeps sending emails about urgent action needed. If they got the votes, should be no problem making them happen.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by anygunanywhere »

Kkpsiknl wrote:
Taypo wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
nitrogen wrote:We should have attached Open Carry and Campus carry to an anti-abortion bill. We can get THOSE passed pretty reliably.
As they should be.
Neither the thread nor the forum for this.
I'll plus 1 that. :iagree:
I didn't start it. Maybe you should have quoted the other post.
Last edited by anygunanywhere on Tue May 12, 2015 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by mojo84 »

Apparently, there is much we aren't being told. I suspect it comes down to egos and Straus playing king.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by jerry_r60 »

mojo84 wrote:Apparently, there is much we aren't being told. I suspect it comes down to egos and Straus playing king.
I know he has plenty of power but at least in theory, he should not be able to block HB910 from moving in the Senate. Some on here have questioned why political capital is needed if Republicans hold majorities. Maybe this is why, I guess he could hold other bills hostage if this one moves in the Senate.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by mojo84 »

jerry_r60 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Apparently, there is much we aren't being told. I suspect it comes down to egos and Straus playing king.
I know he has plenty of power but at least in theory, he should not be able to block HB910 from moving in the Senate. Some on here have questioned why political capital is needed if Republicans hold majorities. Maybe this is why, I guess he could hold other bills hostage if this one moves in the Senate.

I also said "egos". It's not just Straus. I think we have some middle age children running the show.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

mojo84 wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Apparently, there is much we aren't being told. I suspect it comes down to egos and Straus playing king.
I know he has plenty of power but at least in theory, he should not be able to block HB910 from moving in the Senate. Some on here have questioned why political capital is needed if Republicans hold majorities. Maybe this is why, I guess he could hold other bills hostage if this one moves in the Senate.

I also said "egos". It's not just Straus. I think we have some middle age children running the show.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by gemini »

LSUTiger wrote:
gemini wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:
txcharvel wrote:
100% agree. Open carry doesn't 'carry' much weight if I'm still restricted in my daily life of where I can carry. I'll take either, but campus carry needs to get done. Original hb308 should get done.
ditto. Legally carry more places, and campus carry, are much more important to the majority than open carry.
Not a reply to you personally but in general the continued sentiment irks me. I'm sure serious efforts were made for all legislation.

I'm for campus carry and unrestricted carry but are we still crying over this?
I am not boo-hooing over anything. Just stating a self realized fact. Unrestricted carry and campus carry are more important
to me than being able to prance around like a peacock with a gun on my hip. I believe OCT and OCTC have damaged the image
of gun owners and sportsmen alike. Seeing someone that OC does not scare me, bother me or upset me in any way. However,
their "force-it-down-the-public's-throat" tactics got me po'd because it affected our entire (gun) community. but, I digress.

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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by baseballguy2001 »

That story is a week old and says the Senate is doing business. Where is the action in the House? We are told on this forum things are happening, but it's secret and can't be divulged until it's too late to do anything about it. This forum has ears, the other side is seeing what's posted, etc. Fine. 19 days left. There are 600 days 7 hours until Jan 2, 2017, the next session of the Texas Legislature.
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Re: Campus Carry revived, attached to open carry


Post by jerry_r60 »

mojo84 wrote:
jerry_r60 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Apparently, there is much we aren't being told. I suspect it comes down to egos and Straus playing king.
I know he has plenty of power but at least in theory, he should not be able to block HB910 from moving in the Senate. Some on here have questioned why political capital is needed if Republicans hold majorities. Maybe this is why, I guess he could hold other bills hostage if this one moves in the Senate.

I also said "egos". It's not just Straus. I think we have some middle age children running the show.
Yes, I saw that one and I didn't have any comment on that.

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