C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged

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C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by Charles L. Cotton »


I try to be fair to people and no one likes a double standard. I called out Kelly Burke for providing false testimony during the Senate State Affairs Committee hearing on SB11, so it's only fair that I point out today's false claims by C.J. Grisham. :smilelol5:

Grisham tweeted today blasting the NRA and me personally. Grisham seems to claim that he and OCT are responsible for campus-carry being voted out of committee. In his zeal to pontificate, he found himself suffering from Brian Williams Syndrome.

Grisham says: "Also, for the first time in Texas history, a campus carry bill was also passed [sic] out of committee."
Now for the facts: In 2013, Rep. Fletcher's HB972 was reported favorably from the Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee after which it passed in the House. After going to the Senate, it was reported favorably from the Senate Criminal Justice Committee. It died on the Senate Intent Calendar when time ran out. In 2011, Rep. Driver's HB750 was reported favorably from the House Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee. It died in the Calendar's Committee. In 2009, Rep. Driver's HB1893 was reported favorably from the House Public Safety Committee. It died in the Calendar's Committee. Sorry Mr. Grisham, I know you are disappointed, but you did not witness the first campus-carry bill to be reported favorably from a committee. (I was there every time, however, and I can tell you about it over a cup of coffee if you like.)

Grisham says: "As an Endowment Life and Golden Eagles NRA member, . . ."
Now the facts: Grisham repeatedly claimed he resigned his membership in the NRA and he encouraged other OCT members to do so. He said so on a Guns Over Texas radio program and on Facebook. Which is true?

Grisham clearly implies that SB17 was voted favorably from the State Affairs Committee solely because of OCT's actions. In truth, it got a hearing and a favorable vote in spite of OCT/Grisham, not because of him. OCT and Grisham have steadfastly opposed any bill that would establish licensed open-carry. (See the photos below.) Grisham refused to answer my three questions about open-carry this session, one of which was whether OCT would support a licensed-open carry. He didn't want to admit that OCT was going to oppose anything other than HB195 (and now SB343 as well). He posted a long diatribe against me here on the Forum including yet another statement about licensed open-carry. A quick review of the OCT posts about permission slips, tax, licensing a constitutional right, etc. quickly puts to rest any false claim that OCT supported or was responsible for SB17 being voted favorably from committee. If OCT/Grisham had in fact been a positive influence,then why is it that the OCT/NAGR/Grisham bill was not even heard in committee?

I am certain that some people are going to believe that I took the time to respond to CJ's false allegations simply because he and I do not like each other. I wouldn't spend 10 seconds drafting this post solely to play tit-for-tat with CJ. My concern is that some people who are not aware of what really went on in Austin might believe his claims and be tempted to continue the in-your-face tactics that almost derailed open-carry before the session even began. Make no mistake, open-carry was saved and it continues to move because of two women, Tara Mica (NRA) and Alice Tripp (TSRA).








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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by CoffeeNut »

One of the benefits of his constantly spewing mouth and social media updates is the ability to go back and verify that he's a liar. He wants credit for work he and his members didn't do. He lacks honor, class and respect. I hope that licensed open carry passes just so I can watch all of his members abandon ship while poor CJ will be unable. :lol::
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by Pawpaw »

Charles, what I think you need is for someone to go through the committee testimony and pull out where CJ and the other OCT/OCTC/NAGR folks saying they supported unlicensed carry instead of SB 17. It seemed to me that every one of them made a statement to that effect. Create one video of all those snippits and then turn your above post and the video into a TFC article. That would seem to prove their testimony didn't help SB 17 one bit.
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by mojo84 »

Someone called him on his lies. I think some and I mean only some are realizing just what a screwball cj is.

Hopefully more will sober up. We can only hope and continued to make sure all understand they are the out off control fringe and are not part the normal pro Second Amendment Americans.
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by poppo »

I just looked at some of the OCT FB postings and wanted to :ack: reading all the people thanking them for making this happen.
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by baldeagle »

Here's my response. I made it public. " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by joe817 »

baldeagle wrote:Here's my response. I made it public. " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
:shock: Now THAT is telling it like it REALLY is....the truth in every sense. Well done baldeagle! :thumbs2: :tiphat:
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by Ruark »

baldeagle wrote:Here's my response. I made it public. " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Touche. Nicely done.

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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by pcgizzmo »

I used to want Open Carry to pass not because I would Open Carry all the time but for the fact that it would give people more options and it was more freedoms and gun rights for Texans. Now I just want it to pass so that CJ Gresham will go silently into the night. So that he will just shut up and there will be no reason for OCT to exisit.
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by joe817 »

pcgizzmo wrote:I used to want Open Carry to pass not because I would Open Carry all the time but for the fact that it would give people more options and it was more freedoms and gun rights for Texans. Now I just want it to pass so that CJ Gresham will go silently into the night. So that he will just shut up and there will be no reason for OCT to exisit.
As do I. And I have some optimism that OC has a chance to work its way through the process, and ultimately pass. BUT, it will not be the OC form that OCT, OCTC, CATI had be clamoring for. It will be LICENSED open carry.....NOT the UNLICENSED, or constitutional open carry that they demand. Sooooo I don't think that OCT and all of the other splinter groups will go quietly in the night, as much as I would like for them to...IMO. We shall see. :tiphat:
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by jmra »

pcgizzmo wrote:I used to want Open Carry to pass not because I would Open Carry all the time but for the fact that it would give people more options and it was more freedoms and gun rights for Texans. Now I just want it to pass so that CJ Gresham will go silently into the night. So that he will just shut up and there will be no reason for OCT to exisit.
They won't go away. Next they will want unlicensed OC and unlicensed CC. They will be around to hinder gun right progress for some time to come.
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by CJD »

jmra wrote:
pcgizzmo wrote:I used to want Open Carry to pass not because I would Open Carry all the time but for the fact that it would give people more options and it was more freedoms and gun rights for Texans. Now I just want it to pass so that CJ Gresham will go silently into the night. So that he will just shut up and there will be no reason for OCT to exisit.
They won't go away. Next they will want unlicensed OC and unlicensed CC. They will be around to hinder gun right progress for some time to come.
HB195 and SB342 are for both unlicensed OC and unlicensed CC.

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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by gsansing »


There is no big surprise here. This has been this man's MO all along. As I recall, when SB11 and SB17 passed committee Sen. Estes posted on his Facebook announcing the successes of SB 11 and SB17; Mr. Grisham commented not one thank you or appreciation but simply a half cocked reply of " remove the licensed part."

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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by SA-TX »

pcgizzmo wrote:I used to want Open Carry to pass not because I would Open Carry all the time but for the fact that it would give people more options and it was more freedoms and gun rights for Texans. Now I just want it to pass so that CJ Gresham will go silently into the night. So that he will just shut up and there will be no reason for OCT to exisit.
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Re: C.J. Grisham is factually-challenged


Post by oljames3 »

Grisham has many foolded, but not all.

Referring to unlicensed open carry, KRIS TV in Corpus Christi posted "The question is whether outside antics have derailed those proposals' chances - even during a session that could be the most firearms friendly in years."

http://www.kristv.com/story/28120366/gu ... ve-session

It is nice to see a media refrence to OCTC causing dificulties for their favorite bills.
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